He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 If we are to move on to “Greater Things,” if we are to get about the Kingdom Business, we need to have Kingdom Perspective. God has planted the seed of eternity in our hearts and we won’t be fulfilled until it is watered and bloomed. That only happens when it is warmed by His presence in our lives. It’s amazing how small and narrow our perspective usually is. Everything is pretty much all about us. It’s tough to look beyond what we see and feel each day. Our world is so easily dominated by our problems and our concerns or as is popular to say these days, our “issues.” It’s all about us. Satan likes us to think and view things so narrowly. What he doesn’t want is for us to gain God’s Perspective or a Kingdom Perspective. He wants us to ignore that eternity God has set in us. We are so me focused because the person we spend the most time with is us. The secret to […]
Missionaries in a Foreign Land
Matthew 28:18-20 New International Version (NIV) 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you Sometimes my wife is very smart. She commented recently that she didn’t know why people thought they had to go to Africa to be missionaries, we need missionaries right here. She’s right. We need missionaries in Africa, but we also need them in America. If we are to get about Kingdom Business, we need a change in perspective. I think it would be helpful if we would consider ourselves missionaries in a foreign land. A missionary in a foreign land isn’t there to change that land into his home land. He isn’t there to bring a new language or technology. He’s not trying to overthrow a government or change laws. Although he may do some of those things. His goal is to make disciples and that’s how his success is measured. Our goal is to make disciples. A disciple is a dedicated follower of Jesus. If […]
Back to Kingdom Business
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33 We have the same President, Senate and House of Representives for four more years. “Upon learning this news, one part of my country is so angry right now their eyes are crossing. Others are so depressed they feel lower than a whale’s navel. Still others are euphoric . . . or relieved. And then there are those who aren’t paying attention and don’t care two hoots. A reminder to all: Jesus of Nazareth is still on the throne. Everything is under His control. Whether “your man” won or lost, Jesus is our ultimate hope for this world.” Frank Viola http://frankviola.org/ I got a call at 6:30 yesterday morning from my 10 year old grandson who was crying because of the results of the election. I cheered him up and told him Jesus was still on the throne. By the time school was over he was fine and we went to a movie. Obviously he picked up on some way too serious vibes during the heated time before the election. Hopefully the rest of us, winners and losers, will […]
Politics and Basketball
I got up early this morning to vote. I have a busy day today. It was still dark and foggy as I made my way to the polls. I was confident that I had beat the system. I was wrong. There were so many people at the polling place they were parking on the road. There were two long lines coming out of the door. I stood in one line for about half an hour before I realized I was in the wrong line. In fact, there was no line for my precinct. While in line I realized that many people were confused. I heard arguments about whether a gun lover should vote “yes” or “no” on Amendment Number 2. I tried to explain that I was a lawyer and I knew the right answer but no one was impressed by a law degree as credentials. The guy in front of me was in the voting booth a really long time. He came out looking confused and said, “Lot’s of amendments.” He was obviously surprised. There were lots of people voting, but I’m not sure all of them should have been. I was proud at how quickly I voted. […]
Greater Things
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. (John 14:12 NIV) Today’s blog comes from my notes from Pastor Jason’s sermon yesterday. They are reproduced here for those who missed church on Sunday and those who didn’t take notes. Hope they are helpful. We all have a God-given, natural desire for greater things whether it be more money, grandkids or a bigger house. This desire can be negative. Child molesters and rapist starts with porn and a desire for “greater things” can lead to their criminal behavior. Greater Things is a biblical concept. Life is not about getting saved and sitting on it. We all have a mission. The vision of church is to see multitudes become devoted followers as we grow, connect and serve. It is about numbers. Numbers that can be effectively discipled. Acts 2:46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And […]
It was an emotional day yesterday. My “little girl” got engaged. It was done in spectacular fashion as her fiancé managed to engineer a romantic event involving over 50 people. He led Jessica on a merry chase through some of the spots significant to their relationship before meeting up to pop the question. Our part was special. We met Jessica at Girard Park where Tyler had first met Kaydence to pass a hint as to the next spot she should go to. What made it special was the Jessie and I had spent many happy Saturdays in that same park when she was young. Congrats to them both. Great job Tyler. We couldn’t be more pleased to have you in the family. May God bless. Nick
Committed Relationship
Recently the Christian community has been challenged by young pastors calling us to be more than a fan and more radical in our walks. These challenges have struck a chord especially with younger Christians who are looking for something more life changing in their walk. It’s important to recognize that these calls are not for a different basis for Christianity but a different level. We recognize that Christianity, unlike any other “religion” is relationship based. We are called into relationship with Jesus. The problem has been that we have become satisfied with shallow relationships, without permanence or commitment. We have lost sight in the truth that joy comes from committed relationships. It’s common now to judge relationships on “What Do I get out of it?” When we no longer “benefit” from the relationship we toss it out and move on to another. Such a view of relationship can never produce the fullness of joy that’s possible. I enjoy those I love. I am blessed by their attention. I am touched by their affection and motivated by their energy and enthusiasm. But my relationship also includes a deep desire for the best for them. I am blessed not only by […]
Not A Fan – The Movie
I spent the Trick Or Treat hours last night at church watching the Not a Fan movie. It was uncomfortable to watch. Taking Jesus seriously isn’t very comfortable. NOT A FAN is book, a movie and a 6-part DVD series that challenges people to become sincere “followers” of Jesus Christ, rather than simply “enthusiastic admirers” or “fans.” We were a small group, a handful of people. That’s not surprising. Jesus has lots of fans, but not a lot of followers. Not even a lot who are willing to consider whether “Follower” is what we should be. Not a Fan looks at the tough verses of scripture. You know the ones I’m talking about. The ones that talk about taking up crosses and dying to self and many are called but few or chosen. The ones that remind us that on that day many will say “Lord, Lord” but He will say He never knew them. We are a fan oriented society. We gather by the thousands to watch football games. By the millions we watch our favorite television shows or stream to the theater to catch the latest movie. A fan admires. A follower does. A fan is fine with Jesus […]