Why are you afraid? Notice I didn’t ask if you were afraid. I assumed fear in you. That’s a fair assumption. Although fear is often denied, most are afraid of something. There’s lots to be afraid of. Here are just the “top ten”:
- Change.
- Loneliness
- Failure
- Rejection
- Uncertainty
- Something Bad Happening
- Getting Hurt
- Being judged
- Inadequacy
- Loss of freedom
Admit it. At least one of the above is something you think about. You might not admit that it’s something you fear, but that’s okay. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
Jesus often said, “Fear not” or words to that effect. In one case, he gave us a clue as to how to accomplish that. Before he calmed the sea for the frightened disciples, he asked, “Why are you afraid?” Matthew 8:23-27. Then He calmed the sea. “The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”
Jesus spoke through his actions: “There is no need to fear. I am here.” The answer to fear, is Jesus.
Consider those top 10 fears:
We fear change because we’ve become comfortable where we are. Life may not be perfect, but the known is better than the unknown. Jesus doesn’t promise to keep things the same. In fact, he promises change. But it’s change for the better, guaranteed.
In a world of super easy communication, we have never been lonelier. A feeling of disconnect has always been around, but it was certainly multiplied by the pandemic. Loneliness is a state of mind linked to wanting human contact but feeling alone. “No one understands me.” “I’m not the same as others.” As complicated as loneliness is, Jesus is the answer. He promises: “I will never leave you or forsake you.” In fact, scripture promises it one hundred times. Jesus can promise that because He knows you like no one else can. He understands how we are different and how we are all the same. We can be comfortable in His presence. In Him alone, completely honest relationship is possible – loneliness is not.
Fear of failure is Atychiphobia. Bet you didn’t know that. It’s basically the belief that you are not or will not be good enough. Jesus answers that two ways: First, we all fail and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23. In other words, “Welcome to the club. We are all failures.” But more importantly, he has paid the price for failure. I love Mercy Me. In one of their songs, they proclaim:
What if I were the one to tell you
That the fight’s already been won?
Well, I think your day’s about to get better
What if I were the one to tell you
That the work’s already been done?
It’s now a good news
It’s the best news ever
Best news ever
We fear being rejected for who we are. Jesus accepts us as we are, but doesn’t stop there. He changes us into whom we were created to be. There’s no rejection with Jesus only transformation.
We tremble at the future, that it might contain things we are not ready for. Jesus makes it certain: the future is going to suck, at least the near future. But the ultimate future is going to be awesome: literally heaven on earth for those who follow. The ultimate future is certain and very bright – the best news ever.
Something Bad Happening
Just as with Uncertainty – something bad is going to happen, but the good that will happen will make all that pale.
Getting Hurt
This fear usually rises from our relationships. If we put ourselves “out there” will we be accepted for who we are? See rejection above. We want relationships that last and bless us. In As Good as it Gets, the Jack Nicholson character gets us all to say “Awwwww” when he tells his love interest: “You make me want to be a better man.” Jesus doesn’t just motivate us to be better. He makes it possible.
Being judged
“If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.” John 12:47 In this world, there is judgment. We judge all the time. We judge the actions, attitudes and even fashion sense of others. But shouldn’t our mission be that of Jesus, not to judge but to bring the saving message, “The Best News Ever.” Our mission: to tell the world, is damaged by our judgemental attitude. “Judge not less you be judged.” Matthew 7:1. Jesus brings the answer to fear of judgment: Stop being a judge yourself.
This one is less a fear than an excuse. We know God is keeping us around for a reason. We have a mission, but we are just not up to it. Of course, we are not. Jesus equips us to do what we are called to do. Take the first step, you will confirm your inadequacy, but confirm his ability. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
Loss of freedom
We are all slaves. Freedom in this world is an illusion. We can be chained to the world or yoked to Jesus. This matter arose because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. Galatians 2:4. Real Freedom is in Jesus. Beware of man made chains, in and out of the church.
Why are you afraid? What are you going to do about it?
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