There’s a whole lot of talking going on. I have noticed that there seems to be a lot more talking than ever before. On television, we watch “talking heads.” These are “experts” who are paid to tell us what we ought to think about just about any topic. If we include the things we “say” on social media, the talk is overwhelming. Anyone can get on social media and pontificate on any subject. There is no need to have “credentials” or “expertise.”
Sadly, not only is the talk not very informed; it’s often not even true. The talking heads are paid to say what that particular network thinks their audience wants to hear. If you believe what is posted on social media, everyone prepares meals right from the cooking shows and spend their weekends doing nothing but fun things with their kids.
We need to be reminded that God doesn’t focus on our Talk but on our Walk. That’s not to say that what we say isn’t important. Words can be powerful, encouraging or devastating, but we are encouraged to walk “worthy of God.” That’ a high bar.
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