
I am no good at waiting. As a kid I didn’t like waiting for Christmas. I don’t like waiting in lines or for football season to start.
It turns out I don’t like waiting for Hurricanes. Isaac has made land fall, twice. So far we have had a little rain.  We have enough supplies for the entire neighborhood. Everything that can blow around outside is secured. I got so bored watching the weather channel last night that I watched the  GOP convention. 
It’s like we’re all dressed up and no place to blow. After days of dire warnings, I’m now listening to the local weather men discussing how this is a minimal storm, the tornado threats are very low. They obviously don’t know exactly where the storm is going, but it really doesn’t seem to matter. 
Is there a spiritual lesson here? I guess there is. It seems we waste so much time waiting and, often worrying, about things that might happen. It’s so important to enjoy the day.
For example, yesterday I was honored to spend some time at a local nursing home. Members of our church have been meeting with residents at two nursing homes for some time. I had heard that these ministries were doing well, but I had no idea. Yesterday I saw residents hugged and loved and taught the word. There was singing and smiling and not just a few “Amens.” I was disappointed to hear that the other nursing home ministry which takes place on Wednesday was cancelled because of…you guessed it, the storm.
Are you sitting around focused on some future event? It could be a tragedy you fear or a joyous occasion you are looking forward to. It’s great and wise to plan. But let’s not spend so much time waiting for something and contemplating all the variations of the future, that we don’t live in the present.
There is life to be lived now. Instead of watching more weather channel I think I’ll go see if anyone else will show up for the Wednesday Morning Men’s meeting.
Stop waiting and 
Be blessed.

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