I guess the best test of a vacation is how you feel about coming home. I have had vacations that I didn’t want to end. I had a great time on those occasions and wasn’t ready to get back to the real world. Sounds like a great vacation, but such are vacation failures. Shouldn’t a great vacation make you eager to get back to your real life? Vacations shouldn’t end with regret but thankfulness. I just had a great vacation.
Yesterday while still in Texas I asked Siri for some “Great American Food” suggestions. She came back with eleven Mexican restaurants and one barbeque joint. That’s how you know you’re in Texas. The food back home is better. I have lived in multiple locations mainly during 11 years in the Navy and 27 months in Gainesville for law school. There is good food everywhere but Acadiana food is the best. Can’t wait to get back to it.
Looking for bluebonnets in Texas was fun and when found they are beautiful. They don’t, however, match the gorgeousness of Louisiana Azaleas. I have those in my own yard.
I’ve mentioned watching the sunrise in the hill country of Texas. That was pretty good, but it doesn’t match the sunrises listening to the birds in my own backyard.
You would think that it would be great to get away from work, but I ended up billing my weekly quota from Texas. I didn’t have to I just did. You would think the thought of getting back to the “grind” would be a downer but I’m actually looking forward to a couple of things on my calendar next week. This week my swimming had to be done in tiny motel pools filled with loud kids. I look forward to the Olympic pool at Fontana’s.
Real-life isn’t all fun and games. I have to attend a funeral early in the week. The replacement for the missing front wheel for my lawn tractor is in and I bet my yard is jungle-like. It’s time to get serious about my raccoon battle. That creature has got to go. I bought a trap on my last day home. I even have someone ready to take captured raccoon off my hands. I do have some scary friends. We have to learn to love our real lives and to be thankful for them. Vacations should be fun but also reminders of just how blessed our lives are.
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