10 I appeal to you, brothers (and sisters), by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no B)’>in the same mind and the same judgment. 1 Corinthians 1:10.
It is impossible to be involved in the preparation for a Kairos weekend without gaining a renewed appreciation for the importance of unity in the church. It is inspiring to watch men and women, black and white, Methodist, Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist and non-denominational work together for a common purpose.
After having done these for 16 years, it is also clear to me that Satan’s best shot at harming the mission is to sow disunity. He makes a stab at it every time. He gets in our heads and points out differences and idiosyncratic habits. He will blow up and distort harmless comments. He will appeal to ego trying to sow envy based on the assignment of jobs or talks. He will throw up road blocks. We all know how Sunday morning seems the toughest morning to get the family going if we are planning to attend church. Satan does that in spades when we try to be involved in an important mission. We won’t be able to find our clothes or finish our letters or shut down our work assignments. Our families will come up with issues and crises.
The important thing is to be on the look out for these things and just smile and say “Got You” when we catch the enemy at this game. We who are going must stay in prayer and in the spirit. Those who are supporting from the back lines must do the same. Whether or not you have signed up for a prayer time (Which you can do here.) please be in prayer for the Kairos at Camp C which begins on Thursday.
We have a good sized talented team and that brings its own set of problems. When we are many we may begin to think that anything good that happens is because of us. Not so. It also makes it easy to second guess the leadership in assignments. Let’s be careful about that and be prepared to see God do what He has done so many times before. “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3, NIV)
Thanks for your service, cookies, agape and prayers and
Be blessed.
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