Last night my wife and I gathered with some old friends. It was great as we remembered the past, caught each other up on our lives and enjoyed powerful prayer together. It seems inevitable when “old” friends gather that comparisons will be made between the lives we have lived and the lives being lived around us.
I am sure that each generation has struggled with the changes they see in the world as they move through life. I am not just talking about technology or politics or sociology. It seems that today there is a different concept of the purpose of life and the place of God in that life. The gathered group last night shared life histories that included one marriage partner who was your first and only romantic love. The group shared concepts about what is right and what is not and a disconnect with younger loved ones whose concepts and life experiences are already so different.
There is a tendency to believe that God changes as we change or if He doesn’t He must be dead or never was. I can’t help but wonder what God thinks about all this. I am as convinced of His reality and His unchanging nature as I am of any concrete fact of life
I feel a sense of loss that something wonderful I had is not part of the inheritance I am passing on. Rick Warren tweeted this morning, “Truth never changes, but the channels that communicate it change constantly.” But I’m flipping through the channels I’m aware of and I am just not finding the right one. I pray that I will find it, because the message to be communicated is too vital to go to heaven with this generation.
There are great young Christians struggling with issues in some ways not that different from the ones we faced; but those issues involve challenges which seem starker and more threatening. The world seems so less ready to hear the message of Good News, yet so much more in need of it. The God that reached the hippies of the sixties will surely find a way to reach their offspring. That is the only hope. It will somehow have to come through us. But how He will do it, I just don’t know.
Be prayerful and be blessed.
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