Uber Driver


Find what God is blessing and do that. It’s easy to fall into the trap of pursuing our own agenda instead of God’s. We struggle at “ministry” convinced that its failure to produce fruit is just a “work of the devil” or our own failure to do enough. The simple truth is that God blesses that which furthers His will. We may not understand the means and methods He has chosen, but that’s not our job. 

At this point in my life, I thought sure I would be deeply involved in a traditional ministry complete with abundant fruit. Instead, I’m an Uber driver. Don’t try to engage me with your Uber app. I’m not an employee of Uber. My principal ministry, that which God blesses, seems to be driving people, mostly grandkids,  around town or delivering Covenant Spotlight once a month. Most of my time seems to be spent, driving or waiting to drive. “Driver” is not listed along with apostles, prophets,  evangelists, pastors, and teachers,  in Ephesians 4:11, an oversight by Paul, no doubt. 

There is little doubt the driving is blessed. Magazines get in the hands of those who need the words encased therein. My grandkids get to have a life by having a reliable ride or babysitter (an adjunct to ubering). It’s not glory days, but it is blessed.

If you are burning out trying to “minister” in something that God is not blessing or in a church that’s going nowhere, maybe it’s time to look around and see where the blessings are and go there, even if it’s not listed in Ephesians or a traditional job of ministry. 

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