Trust in God

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. Psalm 62: 5-7

It’s truly amazing in what we will put our trust in. In America, we have built a system where it appears we trust in government for everything. Wow. How dumb is that? We trust in political parties and politicians. We trust in gurus, assets, systems of finance, philosophy and thought. Repeatedly these things have proved to be untrustworthy.  It’s really all about God and trusting in Him. 

Where you are, there is heaven. And where you are not, there is death and hell. You alone are my desire and, therefore, I must groan and cry out earnestly for you. In short, I depend fully on you— and you alone— to help me in the necessities of life.

Watkins, James (2016-01-12). The Imitation of Christ: Classic Devotions in Today’s Language (Kindle Locations 732-733). Worthy Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The disciples, including Paul, lived lives of joy in the midst of persecution and prison. Modern Christians live similarly in far flung parts of the world today. Here in America, we manage to live in a hell of our own making the the middle of more wealth than most of the world can even dream about. 

We need to live and love in a world surrounded by a “God Bubble.” His love and support sustaining us and not separating us from a hurting world but enabling us to make a difference in it. We need salvation, a rock foundation and fortress. That’s only available one place: In Christ.


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