Too Blessed 2 B Stressed


Christians shouldn’t really ever be over-stressed. A bit of stress is necessary to motivate us to do the things we need to do and to avoid the things that should be avoided.  When we talk about being stressed, we really mean over-stressed.  Too much stress is bad, really bad. It distracts us and can, in the worst cases, freeze us into dangerous inactivity.

Stress is a tool of Satan. Stress summarizes all that satan tries to throw at us. He tries to rush us,  frighten us, push us, confuse us, condemn us, discourage and worry us. Aren’t these things all the elements of stress?

When we say we are “too blessed to be stressed” we don’t mean our life is stressor-free? Christians have the same problems as everyone and often a lot more. We have a higher standard and calling than most. We have as much reason to be stressed as anyone.  However, as Christians we have three things going for us that non-followers don’t have.

Perspective.  Satan uses “what if” to stress us. What if you lose your job? What if you lose your spouse? What if you get cancer? What if… What if… What if… Christians have the perspective response. So what? If we carry any “what if” to its final conclusion. We might die. If we do, we get to be with the Lord. So what do we have to fear?

Promises.  The non-follower is set up for stress. He has no assurance of anything. Followers have promises. The Word of God is full of them. They cover all of life. We aren’t promised rose gardens, earthly riches, or stressor-free lives. We are promised protection.

Protection. In Christ there is peace and protection. It’s not protection from problems or persecution. It’s protection against the loss and the fear of loss of the only thing that really matters, Jesus. “Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” Hebrews 13:5-6.

Position We have a position in Christ. Our reliance is on Him who is sure. Our position gives us the prospective, promises and protection, that insure that stressors won’t consume our lives or guide our paths.

In Christ, we are stilled, reassured, lead, enlightened, forgiven, calmed, encouraged, and comforted. We are too blessed to be stressed.


NIck's been an attorney for 34 years, served as a pastor and blogs almost daily.
Nick’s been an attorney for 34 years, served as a pastor and blogs almost daily.

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