It is becoming increasing obvious that there is a war against followers of Christ. It is in many ways an undercover war. It will be filled with much intrigue and stealth. The most difficult task in this struggle may be identifying friend and foe.
Old definitions of “christian” and “non-christian” or even “anti-christian” will not apply. It will take spiritual help to keep the players straight. We will need discernment like never before.
At times we might find ourselves aligned with others on certain issues, with whom with might disagree on other issues. For example, we need to stand with all those whose religious liberty is threatened, even if our specific beliefs are not the same.
The enemy will also attempt to confuse things by majoring on the minors. We need to perpetually keep our eyes on Jesus. Other “political” or “social” issues will have to take a back seat.
Keep your eyes on Jesus. Ungird ever word and action with prayer. Be alert and diligent.
Times are about to get much tougher.
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