It’s hard to believe we are already in Christmas week. I had trouble sleeping last night and the station I had the television on kept showing the number of days until Christmas. Where did the year go?
On Thursday we will be, rightfully, spending some time thanking God. At least I hope we will find time between the overeating and the parade and football watching.
It seems to me that maybe we should also spend some time thanking others. Does it seem to you that the simple “Thank You” is a bit rarer than it use to be? I know that the guy who bags your groceries or hands you your Big Mac is getting paid to do it, but a “Thank You” is so easy to give. They aren’t getting paid much and they have to put up with a lot. Why not say thanks to all the people who serve us each day?
If we are willing to say thanks to those we don’t even know, maybe we ought to spend some serious time thanking those who really make a difference in our lives. We are all thankful for our families and our friends. On Thursday we will likely thank God for our Christian brothers and sisters and those who risk their lives for us. But don’t you think we ought to thank them directly for the parts they play in making life better?
So thanks to all of you who read and/or hit the delete key every time one of my blogs hits your inbox. I pray that every once in a while what I say helps out. But I know that the writing of it helps me out every day so “Thanks” for listening. And thanks for understanding on the days I just don’t get around to putting anything out.
When you are in the crowded stores picking out turkeys and, especially on Black Friday, if you dare venture out, thank those you run into. It might help keep your outlook positive.
Say thanks and be blessed.
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