I have a shed in the back of my property in which I store yard equipment. I haven’t done my own yard work for a long time. I went to the shed a couple of weeks ago, for the first time in a long time, to look for an ice chest. I rediscovered a bunch of stuff I had long forgotten I had.
Yesterday we talked about the process of identifying vision. We begin with taking inventory. Satan tries to cut us off by confusing us in this process. He points us to what we don’t have. Don’t be fooled. We tend to forget some of the most important gifts we’ve been given.
Time: We tend to believe we don’t have time for anything else. If we take a careful inventory we will discover how much time we waste. If we can find time to watch tv or chill, we can find time to devote to our vision.
Contacts: This morning I was exploring a new application that combines your contacts, email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I was amazed at how many people I know, and who must know me. We tend to minimize our sphere of influence. It’s a bit scary to consider how many folks are watching us; but in exploring vision, those we know are an asset we can’t afford to forget.
Trials: After going through a trial, don’t you want to “just forget?” But trials have a purpose. For each trial in your life, you acquire a base of connection with an entire new group of hurting folks who have suffered in a similar way. In conducting your inventory, don’t forget what you’ve been through and how your experience can be put to good use.
Needs: It may seem strange to consider our needs as a resource. But our needs allow us to connect with those who can help us with those needs. A connection is established and often you can help the person to whom you turn for help, more than you are aided. Don’t be too proud to recognize your need for others. God may be leading you to great new connections in your life.
Friends and Family: In evaluating vision, we are sometimes far sighted. Some of our greatest resources live with us or impact our lives daily. It’s easy to overlook the potential in the familiar. If you are married, you were given a partner for a reason. Families tend to fracture in our modern world. God gives us each other for a purpose. Those you love and who love you are an invaluable asset.
God: In conducting an inventory, don’t get too practical. God loves to use the unlikely in doing his work. He’s used stutterers to bring His word. Fishermen have become apostles. Housewives have changed their world. If He gives you the vision, he will give you the way.
Open your eyes. You’ve been given much. Much is expected.
Be blessed.
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