Serve – SelfServe

A couple of weeks ago I happily accepted an invitation to preach at The Refinery – A Faith-Based MIssion for Men. The ministry holds a chapel service on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Local pastors are asked to preach. At the time I accepted the invitation I was suffering from a summer cold but figured surely I would be better in two weeks.

In fact, I got worse. My cough developed into a painful sore throat and eventually, laryngitis. I had to cancel meetings and conference calls because I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t bring myself to cancel the preaching engagement. Yesterday I drank tea with lemon and honey, used throat lozenges then I headed for Opelousas determined to give it a try but planning on cutting back to the bone on my planned sermon. 

For the first time in days, I had nearly full voice and was able to deliver the entire message. I had a great time of fellowship and worship with the men. It was another case of God equipping the called. 

I was truly blessed. I hope the men got something out of the message. My voice miracle is evidence that God wanted the word spoken. But that miracle may have been as much for me as for the gathered. I needed a boost. I needed an opportunity to use what gifts God has given me. I needed to be used. 

Jesus instructed us to “make disciples.” He doesn’t really need us to do his work. The Holy Spirit is completely capable of that. It is us, his children, who need the blessing of being used and playing a small part in kingdom building.

Thanks to the Refinery for the gift of opportunity and for the Christ-centered ministry they are. This is a ministry well worth your support.

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