Sacred Service – Devotional for Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ . . . —Colossians 1:24
This verse has been the source of considerable confusion in the church. The problem comes with the phrase “lacking in the afflictions of Christ.” We are alerted by these words because we know that Christ’s death is complete as the basis for our redemption. He has done it all. But we also know there is suffering, before and after our new birth as a Christian. Paul here is referring to sufferings for the Church. 
We know that all that we are as Christians arises from being in Christ. Paul considered it an honor which he rejoiced in to be considered worthy to suffer in some small way as Christ did. Paul’s suffering doesn’t add to the work done by Christ; but rather is evidence of the indwelling redeeming life of Christ. If we are His, we will do His will, walk the walk He calls us to and that will, inevitably lead to suffering. 
What is lacking in Christ’s afflictions is our faith and trust in Him. When we trust Him for our salvation and begin the walk “in Christ” we plug in to the power of His redemption. Compare to a power plug. Until it is inserted in the socket,, nothing happens, something is lacking; but once the connection is made,  the plug is adding nothing to the power source. It is merely a passage through which the power flows.
Christ’s suffering is lacking until our step of faith; plugs us into His life changing power of salvation.
Paul was plugged in and he lit up with the joy of a life in Him, suffering and all.
Get plugged in and light up your world.

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