My grandson reminded me yesterday that women are “sometimes” smarter than men. As proof he offered that fact that men will not ask for directions. They will wonder aimlessly refusing to ask for directions or to even admit that they are lost. It’s a guy thing.
Face it, we all lose our way some time. In fact, for me, I know I am in the Lord’s perfect will a lot less often than I feel that I am on course. He sends us signs when we drift from the path. Like the rough areas along the side of the highway that cause our tires to make rumbling noises, he sends us messages that we are drifting off track.
Sometimes, however, we don’t drift, we simply make a wrong turn or fail to turn when we should. That’s a tougher situation. When we realize that we have made a mistake we are often far afield. We can try to get back on course, but sometimes our attempts simply get us further lost. We may have to return to the spot when we last knew for certain we were on course. Our time off course can cause damage to ourselves and others. We may have to repair damage and we can never make up for the time lost wandering off the path. But God is a God of plan B. He can make good out of bad.
When off course, we need to confess the sin that is involved and return to the path. We need guidance as to how to get back and how to repair the damage caused by our wanderings. God has a plan and the joy of our life is only possible on the path He designed for us.
Sometimes what feels like a mistaken detour, turns out to be a necessary side trip. Our lives are not straight lines between birth and death. Sometimes we need a lesson only a side trip can teach. Sometimes God needs something done and we’re the closest ones to the need. Just because things aren’t happening in the sequence we believe to be correct, doesn’t mean we are off course.
If you are drifting, make a course correction. If you are just way lost, pray for God to show you when you were last where you were suppose to be and move quickly there. It’s the only place to be.
Be blessed.
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