Pray constantly for your friends and then let them know you are doing so, so that you may always serve as an encouragement.
The time between Christmas and New Years is typically spent trying to extend the Christmas Season, watch some football and considering some resolutions for the New Year. I came upon the above quote on Twitter and it made me consider just how self-centered we start each year. We look to improve us. Consider how we can be better or make our lives better. I think it might work better if focus less on self-improvement and more on encouraging others.
I would like to consider starting this New Year with a more outward view. Wouldn’t it be great to resolve to “pray constantly for our friends as an encouragement.” I can almost guarantee that it would lead to a better year than resolving to lose weight or exercise more or to quit some crude habit.
When I think of it, most of my problems have their origin in my self-focus. When I focus on others, things are always better.
Perhaps more importantly, when I engage in a prayer relationship I connect. I connect first because as trust develops I learn more and more about the real needs and concerns of the person being lifted up. Further, as I watch I see God work in that person’s life. As I pray for the lives of others, they pray for me.
At Amana we believe in Connect groups. These are small groups in which we fellowship, study, serve, and pray for each other. These activities build spiritual connections.
Resolve in 2013 to encourage and get connected.
Be blessed.
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