2020 has surely sucked. I have been stuck in a pandemic. My wife has been fighting cancer. Our fiftieth wedding anniversary had to be “celebrated” alone. It’s been bad. But others have had it worse. Lake Charles an hour away by interstate has been demolished. Many have contracted the virus and many my age have perished.
It hasn’t been all bad. I have been quarantined but I was “stuck” with my favorite person on earth, Rosemary Sigur, my bride of 50 years. I was able to work and earn money from home. Although not as much as I would have liked I have been able to see my daughter, grand and great grandchildren. It has been “relatively speaking” not nearly as bad as it could have been.
I don’t want to think I have “lost” a year. I need to stop whining and find something to do. My wife is going to have surgery in a couple of weeks. I will nurse her as needed.
I have found there is a “Fall color” trail here in Louisiana that peaks at the end of October. My bride and I will take a couple of days and follow that. There are times, good times, to be spent together and to share with others.
There are family members to encourage and enjoy.
There is work to be done on the Great Commission.
There is time to become closer to each other and to our God.
It clearly is time to stop whining and do something.
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