Pouring Out the Water of Satisfaction

He would not drink it, but poured it out to the Lord —2 Samuel 23:16

As we discussed yesterday, for there to be life tin us, there must be a flow of the living water through us. If it stays within us, it stagnates and, like the dead sea, can not support life.
Further the flow from us must be “to the Lord.” Sometimes, we are willing to share the blessings we have been given, but we want to control the outflow. We want to determine to whom the blessings should go, when, and under what conditions. That is not the kind of flow Christ calls us to. We are to turn the hose over to the Lord. He is to determine the when, where and who of the outflow of our blessings.
How can I pour out “to the Lord” natural love and spiritual blessings? It is an act of the will, a determination in my mind. As soon as I realize that something is too wonderful for me, that I am not worthy to receive it, and that it is not meant for a human being at all, I must pour it out “to the Lord.” Then these very things that have come to me will be poured out as “rivers of living water” all around me
Failure to have this kind of flow, causes our blessings to become bitter and sour. Like the dead sea, we can not support life.  If you have become bitter and sour, it is because when God gave you a blessing you hoarded it. Yet if you had poured it out to Him, you would have been the sweetest person on earth. If you are always keeping blessings to yourself and never learning to pour out anything “to the Lord,” other people will never have their vision of God expanded through you.
Pour it out and be blessed.

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