Zombie movies and television shows are the rage these days. Humans who walk about like robots without real purpose or life are pretty scary. What makes a horror movie really scary is that there has to be at least a possibility of the creature which is feared. Most of us have a real fear of being zombies. Of walking around without real purpose in a meaningless existence. This is scary because for many of us it’s true. In a way we are created that way: a bit incomplete with a hole in our soul. We are missing a vital part which only a relationship with God can supply. Folks try to fill that hole with lots of things, but nothing but Jesus really works. Sit for a while in any public place and you will, no doubt, spot some zombies, some walking dead. You can tell it from the vacant expressions in their faces as they hurry from place to place accomplishing nothing. In the horror movies, the zombies have the power to make others zombies, usually by biting them. In real life we have the power to save zombies from their horrible state. We introduce them to the […]
The Psychology of War
Since the beginning of time, the psychology of war has had twin goals of instilling courage in the guys on your side and fear in the fellows on the other side. Men have painted themselves to look fierce, donned intimidating armor, and made loud frightening noises to accomplish these goals. We don’t often think of Jesus as a war chieftain but he had the same goals. He nearly always greeted His followers with “Fear Not” and instructed them to encourage each other. Our enemy is a bit different and is not intimidated by fierce looks and frightening noises. But he is put off by the power of God displayed in miraculous healing and loving as only God can love. He quivers at faith and gets faint at strong trust. It seems sometimes that in church we get this all wrong. We gather and instill fear in each other portraying our God as angry and holding us to impossible standards rather than focusing on His grace and love. We speak of the “end times” as something to fear rather than the joyous return of our conquering King. We speak of the end of the church era rather than the genesis […]
Put Good Stuff in Your Head
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.Philippians 4:8 I watch a lot of television. I’m not particularly proud of it but it’s true. I have access to a bunch of channels. I don’t watch the porn pay per view channels for obvious reasons, but I also don’t often watch CNN, Fox News, or the “Christian” channels. Because these aren’t noble, right, pure, lovely or admirable. There are programs on Disney which I don’t like the grandkids watching. Even on “good” channels I keep the remote close and try to watch only what has been prerecorded, so I can skip over certain parts. It’s not that I am a prude. I certainly am not. But I find that if I watch certain things my appreciation of reality is distorted. Everyone is not twenty something, perfectly tanned and toned. Every newscaster isn’t telling the whole truth. Every politician, on the left or right, isn’t in it “for the people.” Everyone pounding a bible and calling out “Lord, Lord” is not someone worth listening to. We need to maintain […]
Dry Spell
You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you;I thirst for you,
Don’t Look Back
23 By the time Lot reached Zoar, on Sodom and Gomorrah 25 Thus he overthrew those citiesdestroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. and she became a pillar of salt. It’s a great temptation to look back. It’s seldom a good idea. Looking back may be an attempt to relive “glory days” a time when things were better or, at least, we felt better in our world. Looking back may be an action in regret. Sometimes we just can’t move on from the mistakes we’ve made, long after there is any chance to correct them. Sometimes we are like Lot’s wife. Looking back as God reigns destruction on the bad things in our past. Glancing back is sometimes appropriate, but taking long looks back never are. We become, like Lot’s wife, frozen, a pillar of salt, useless in our present situation and unable to appreciate the hope the future holds. We really can get “stuck” in our past. We need to live fully in our present working on the opportunities of today and excited about the possibilities and hopes of tomorrow. Eyes forward and be blessed. Nick
14 it will be like a man talents, to another two, to another one, went away. 16 He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more.17 So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. 18 But he who had received the one talent went and after a long time the master of those servants came and faithful servant. I will set you over much. Enter into a hard man, reaping you have what is yours.’ 26 But his master answered him, ‘You slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? 27 Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest.28 So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. 29 cast there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ Matthew 24:14-30 In the middle of Gulf Shores there is a stretch of beach without high rises, t-shirt shops or seafood restaurants. It’s a state park and, obviously, development is not permitted in this area. It’s the beach “as God intended it.” At least that was my first thought. But I’m not sure that […]
Memory Makers
Some times are memory makers. You don’t always know it when they are happening, but sometimes you do. This extended weekend I spent at Gulf Shores with my wife, my grand daughter and her fiance’. It’s a good thing for young people in love and people who have been in love for decades to spend some time together. There is a lot to observe and learn. There are memories to be made. It’s the reason that the best churches always have new converts around and they aren’t separated from the herd but made a part of the body as quickly as possible. Those who have been around awhile need to experience excitement and fun and laughter and hope. Those who are young need to know things won’t always be great and partners won’t always be perfect, but love does last and mature and grow. They need to know when they tell each other they want to grow old together, that that means, that it needs to be true and that it’s a very good thing. Vacations are important because they remind us of what’s important and what really isn’t. It’s a good thing to rest. When we are busy […]
Greater Things
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12 It seems there are always folks who make you seem small and insignificant. Their accomplishments dwarf your own. It may be their physical strength or mental ability or political power that seems so great. On Monday, Diana Nyad finally conquered the 110-mile passage from Cuba to Florida that had bedeviled her for 35 years. She had made numerous attempts to make the journey but failed each time. She finally made it at age 64. I made the mistake of saying, in front of my grandson, that I could never do that at the same age. Nicky pointed out he wasn’t sure I could swim across a swimming pool. Like I said there are always folks who put you in your place. Jesus wasn’t like that. He promised greater things. There was only one condition, belief in Him. There was only one reason, because He was going to the Father. It’s great to have cheerleaders, folks who have faith in you and your ability to make a difference. It’s so much better to have Jesus who […]