Music Power

I love my I-phone 6 plus. I mean I really love it. I take it to bed with me. I stick the ear buds in, put the “radio” on Christian music and fall right to sleep. I don’t need the music to sleep. I can fall asleep in moments, any time and any place. I think the music blesses me even while I sleep. I do wake up in the middle of the night. The music relaxes me, inspires me, helps me focus and eases me back to sleep. I wish I could sing or play an instrument. I worked as a DJ at two different times in my life, but that is as close to “making music” as I’ve ever come. I know I’ll be able to sing in heaven; maybe even play a harp. It will be glorious. To me music is an important part of the church experience. I love praise bands, worship leaders, solos, duets, high church, low church and black gospel choirs. I’m a little disappointed when the music stops and the announcements and preaching starts. I know that borders on heresy. So ex-communicate me. I can hear some of you whispering “Amen.” I […]

Dog Days of December

The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is strange. We put so much energy into Christmas that there is a certain amount of deflation that occurs when that holiday is over. I know some folks put almost as much energy into New Years Day as Christmas. That has not been my pattern. When Rosemary and I were dating, she got all dressed up for New Years Eve and I showed up in a t-shirt and jeans. We didn’t go out but I asked her to marry me that night dressed in my t-shirt and jeans so I guess that counts for something. For the next forty-four years, it has been our tradition to do nothing on New Years Eve. I try to make up for that by cooking for New Years Day, most of the time. My work schedule is usually light during this last week. Lawyers don’t work the last week of the year. Some folks might say they don’t work at all, but let’s not go there. This cloudy and rainy weather we are having is helping make it a particularly blah week. The year is almost over, yet there doesn’t seem to be enough time or […]

Christmas – A Glimpse of Heaven and a crash to earth

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Christmas is great. No doubt about it. It’s always a bit better in our memory and our anticipation than it is. I have a theory about that. I think it’s because Christmas is a glimpse of Heaven on earth. The Heaven part is the peace on earth, good will to men, Christmas Spirit thing that we all love. The “on earth” part is the commercialization, stress, gifts that flop, relatives that irritate, tables that don’t look like the ones in the magazine, the bills that come in January. If we can separate the two, we can gain a whole new appreciation of how great Heaven will be. Imagine Christmas every day without the “on earth” part. Heaven will be lots more than that, but at least it’s a glimpse. Those special moments that happen today, let them be glimpses for you. Those not so special moments, let them be reminders that we are still here. Let this idea also free you from guilt if things aren’t perfect […]

Merry Christmas – 2014

It’s Christmas Eve, 2014. It’s been great so far. Last night we gathered with the Sigur clan. When you are the eldest of nine children, that’s a big crowd. Today we have our precious great grand as a guest. I took her shopping and twice gave in to her “Just one thing” plea. It’s what grandpas do. Rose read her a Christmas story and we have grocery shopping and house cleaning to do. That’s okay because we will do it together and somehow make it fun. Tonight Rose and I will be alone. That’s okay, too. Maybe we will light a fire. More likely we will sit together and watch Christmas movies and marvel that God has let us do this together forty-four times. If a child’s birth had this impact after two thousand and fourteen years, that would be miracle enough. If that child grew up to share wise and wonderful things, it would be a greater miracle still and plenty enough to celebrate. It seems unthinkable that such a child, born in such a lowly place would be God himself, sent to save us from our sins. That’s the truth of this wonderfully impossible miracle. To God all […]

Christmas Flu

Lot’s of people have the flu or something like it including some of my favorite people. One of them is very little and another I will always think of as little. It’s tough when they are little or you still think of them that way.  It’s Christmas time and it just doesn’t seem right. What could God be thinking? Christmas is about family getting together and celebrating and smiling and fun. Flu is about back rubs and home-made soup, quiet time just being there and talking. It’s about praying for the ones we love and appreciating them a bit more. I think I know what God was thinking. He’s so smart. I guess that’s why He’s God and why I’m not.  

Words to Speak

Give me Words to speak Don’t let my Spirit sleep Cause I can’t think of anything worth saying But I know that I owe You my life So give me Words to speak. Aaron Shust I have recently been writing for Covenant Spotlight.  It’s been a learning experience. I have picked up new terms like “word count” and “byline” and “pull quote.” I have had to reduce what I have to say to a few words. That means making every word count. Like Chief Joseph, I have learned that it does not require many words to speak the truth. As an attorney, I had long ago learned that a long and rambling argument usually was an attempt to hide a bad case. Using Twitter, we are limited to a 140 characters. It’s a good exercise in being precise. If we pay attention in daily conversation, we learn the value of a few words. After hearing  a couple of sentences, our eyes start to glaze over, our attention wonders and we begin to plot what we will say or how we can shut the speaker up. Words are a valuable resource. Our chance to influence and change lives is limited. […]

Binding and Casting Christmas

Last night I was asked to don a Santa suit for the Twelve Days of Christmas. My first thought was “Isn’t this supposed to be about focusing on Christ in Christmas?” There is a lot about Christmas that isn’t very Christian. There is no doubt that our modern Christmas is very commercial. It’s only Christmas that saves most retail businesses with end of the year sales. There is also the attempt to secularize Christmas, substituting “Happy Holidays” for “Merry Christmas.” Some of my Christian brothers and sisters are pretty radical about this. You would have to say they are “anti-Christmas.” Consider this quote: “The very foundation of the Christmas holiday is a lie. The Messiah was not born December 25th. He did not ask us to celebrate his birthday. He did not say to set up a tree in our house and decorate it and our houses with anything. Santa Claus does not exist. He doesn’t have reindeer that fly and he isn’t going to come down anyone’s chimney on December 25th and leave any gifts. Everything is a lie.” All that is true. December 25th was originally a pagan holiday. Trees and greenery have pagan origins. Saying Santa […]

The Good Church

I spent ten days going through ten indictments against the church. It was exhausting. I took the last couple of days off. Each of the indictments is right and we should all be working to respond. However,  I would be guilty of massive imbalance if I didn’t talk about The Good Church. Not everything is gloom and doom. Not every “christian” is controlling, self-centered, and demon influenced. There are plenty of selfless, loving followers. The Church is Christ’s bride and it is alive and, in significant spots, is looking good. As evidence, I offer the following: Amana Christian Fellowship – Forgive me if I start with my church. I know it best and am extremely proud of it. We have a wise and loving Senior Pastor. We have an energetic, humble, and giving pastor. I am amazed at the depth of knowledge in one so young. I learn something every time I hear him teach and, more importantly, I learn when I watch him work. The last couple of weeks I sat on the last row and Christ’s words about loving each other came to mind. Sunday we had to dig out three dozen extra chairs. This morning one […]