I was sitting in the car watching people arrive and leave the Wal-Mart. I am not a Wal-Mart people watcher by nature or trade. My wife was in the store and I was waiting for her. I have to admit there were some pretty strange sights moving in and out of the big box store. Some seemed in a hurry just to get in and out. Others acted as if they were on the adventure of a life time; maybe they were. I know it’s been popular to make jokes about Wal-Mart People and to post not very faltering pictures of them on the internet. I admit that I was tempted to snap a few pics of the folks I saw flowing in and out. But I saw some special things. Young couples obviously in love. Older couples making a date out of a trip to Wal-Mart. Young women with baskets piled high and a worried look that the food and supplies budget for the month might be busted. Some folks came in and left very alone. Taking their time, making the trip take up as much of their lonely day as possible. Wal-Mart people can be amusing and […]
A Lamp onto My Feet – Before I trip
Are you sometimes so busy with things to do that you do nothing? I get like that. My head starts swimming. I feel my heart start beating hard. I’ll start to go one way, then stop and turn around. I find myself in a room and don’t remember why I’m there. I know I have much to do. I have to just keep on moving, and thinking, and worrying and panicking. . . and accomplishing nothing. I’m starting to learn that if I’ll turn to the Lord in times like these, He will do one of two things, sometimes both. 1. He’ll send an angel. I’m reminded of Megan Reaux’s post on Facebook. With just hours to go before the flight back to Africa and ministry, that “so busy” feeling has to be taking over. God sent her an angel to help. I was concerned about getting my Covenant Spotlight mags out this weekend with so much going on. God sent an angel or two to help. Now, I just have Milton and Maurice to deal with. “Milton and Maurice” sounds like a singing duo. 2. He’ll guide your path. Just ask. If He doesn’t send help, He may just […]
Stressed? Good for you.
I just finished taking an “are you stressed?” survey. It consisted of checking off a list of possible stressors that in your life. The stressor that I was focused on isn’t even on the list. I looked for a blank to “write in” my favorite but could find no place to do that. Computers are so narrow-minded. Even without my focused on major stressor, I think I “failed” the test. “Your score means a significant amount of life change and a significant susceptibility (about 80% probability) to stress-related illness.” I’m feeling sick already. Sleep deprivation is my favorite stress illness. I really hadn’t thought about many of the stressors on the list that I’m facing: retirement, change in work situation, change in economic situation, new family member (come on great grand son), change, change change. I’m having a lot of it. In fact, most of it is good. My office is better organized than ever. I appreciate the beautiful property we live on more than ever. I have finally cancelled all the cable channels I never watch. I have admitted that my wife has been right all along and TIVO is the only way to watch television. I am eating […]
The Spirit and The Word
My granddaughter and her husband are getting baptized on Sunday. You better believe I will be there. I’ll go for many reasons. When I was “baptized” as a child, it was with family and friends gathered. I, of course, don’t remember that. I had little to do with the decision to have it done. The ceremony was an expression of the hopes and desires of my family and that’s a good thing I was baptized again nearly 60 years later. It was about family again. This time I was baptized and turned around and baptized my grandson at the same time and in the same waters. I remember that one. It’s a day I will never forget. I had been following Jesus for many years but it didn’t seem right that I had never been baptized because I wanted to do it. Some of us thought that little Nicky was “too young” but it was his decision and the years since have proved that it was the right one. He’s proving to be a true follower of Christ. I’ll be there Sunday because we all want our children and their children to know Jesus like we do. We just […]
Church Alive in Acadiana
It’s been two weeks since I posted on this blog. Okay, I heard you, the guy in the back calling out, “Praise the Lord.” I agree. It’s been a great two weeks. I had a chance to appear on a panel at Hope Alive’s Youth Group meeting last Wednesday night. We talked about the challenges youth have in finding summer jobs. It was a great experience for me and, I hope, helpful to all gathered. My blog isn’t the only thing I have let slip. I have a “route” on which I distribute Covenant Spotlight magazines, the first of each month. I normally get it all done in one, or the most two days. I find myself on the 19th of the month with a handful still undelivered. The deliveries I have made have been fantastic. Sunday morning I decided to hit the churches on my list on my way to my home church. Normally I deliver on weekdays to empty buildings. Sunday morning I got to drop by at least a half-dozen churches. In most the worship team was preparing for the service. I witnessed a wide variety of music, environments, and people. There was sameness to the […]
The Old Man in the Baseball Cap
Don’t those old folks who drive around town at 2o miles under the speed limit and seem to be driving in slow motion really irritate you. I have blown my horn at them. I have driven around them and given them the “You don’t own the road look.” It’s sometimes an old guy by himself. My wife and I noticed he always seems to be wearing a baseball cap. Often it seems to be some old woman who probably is on her way to Wal-Mart for no good reason Whether it’s a man or woman driving, they have both hands on the wheel and eyes cemented on the road ahead. Sometimes its a couple. Does it really take two of them to drive? I have summarized these types as the “old man in the baseball cap.” Yesterday while trying to deal with my stress filled day, some jerk blew his horn at me. It was all I could not to shoot him “the bird.” Later some guy pulled along side of me and berated me for several seconds before speeding down the road. I imagined following him, pulling him out of his car and giving him the spanking his […]
Sue Didn’t Call
Sue hasn’t call and there will be hell to pay. There is no truth in Satan. It’s his nature. As Christians, we formerly had that nature, now we have the nature of Christ and all the truth that comes with it. But elements of untruth just seem to hang around and Satan clings to them to make, and keep, us useless. He drags untruth into every day life. If your friend Sue usually calls every day and on Tuesday doesn’t call, the truth is a call was not made. That’s the only truth. It doesn’t mean Sue no longer loves you or that she has died in an accident. It doesn’t mean that she’s angry about something you said to her. It doesn’t mean she is no longer your friend. It doesn’t mean she is telling everyone what an awful person you are and that you are now friendless. It doesn’t mean that she never was your friend. It doesn’t mean, that you are the kind of person who doesn’t have friends because you are so worthless. The only truth is Sue didn’t call. All over a phone call that never happened. Once you’re convinced that there is now a […]
I Was Scared
I’m only slightly ashamed that I was scared this morning. I was having breakfast with friends at Mel’s Diner when the thunderstorm many of us will never forget hit town. No one with me (and some were even older than I) had ever seen the sky that dark during the day. We watched hail through the security camera go on for some time. We couldn’t stop commenting on the ferocity of the wind. Being all men, we sort of laughed it off, but kept checking the weather radar on our smart phones and talked about nothing else. Finally someone suggested we adjourn to the men’s room. It took a few seconds before I realized he was serious. I don’t know if you have ever been to the men’s room at Mel’s downtown, but safety isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. For a few minutes this morning I was scared. I wasn’t the only one, but that doesn’t change the fact that I was. It kind of feels good to admit that. Maybe we would all be better off if we could admit that sometimes we are scared. Maybe it’s the weather. Maybe it’s an impending medical procedure. […]