Service Joy

I haven’t posted to my blog all week. Okay you in the back no need for high fives and “Praise the Lord.” It’s been a very busy time and not full of positive stuff. I have followed the adage that if you don’t have anything good to say, shut up. I guess my daughter was surprised this morning when she asked how I was and I responded with a list of great things going on in my life. I’m not sure that circumstances have changed that much. Perspective, however, certainly has. Jesus spoke often about focusing on today, not worrying about tomorrow, and trusting our heavenly Father. Maybe he spoke of these things so often, because they are so difficult to do. Living in the presence, focusing on today is important. Living for what? Focusing on what? That’s what I love about the above graphic. It provides an answer: “Look around and serve God.”  Today was so much better because when I stopped and looked around I saw many doors opening for service. In the Kingdom, joy comes with service, not with rest, not with abundance, not with a life without obvious problem or clear challenge. It comes with […]

Welcome Logan James

We welcome a new soul into the family this week. While I admit to prejudice, I think he is awful cute. I have to admit that one of my first thoughts is that this kid has really bad timing. I can’t think of a worse time to come into the world. Things are such a mess. The economy is in the tank. Radicals world-wide want to kill us. Morals are in the toilet. Politics smell like the toilet. People are nervous about just going see a movie. Your timing sucks, Logan James. But God brought me up short. I don’t hear from Him every day. I did hear from Him when those thoughts began to cross my mind. “My timing is perfect.” He said. “This world has many needs and Logan James is here to help. Every one of my children has a special purpose and he is no different. ” God is right. Who would have thought. This child has a chance to be special. Every child does, but this one God placed here. He’s got great parents. His big sister is awesome. He comes into an extended family that loves and serves the Lord. He’s going to […]

Know Your Friends

My last post was entitled “Know Your Enemy.” Although sometimes it seems nearly everyone is your enemy, eventually I came to the personal conclusion that just maybe my only enemy is Satan.  This got me wondering about friends.  I have done a bit of research and I discovered that problem one is that there isn’t much agreement on what a friend is. Can we all agree that it isn’t what Facebook says it is? According to those guys I have 485 “friends.” Just a quick look at the lists reveals there are people on the list I don’t know, couldn’t pick out in a crowd, and couldn’t id to the police if they assaulted me. Let’s agree “Facebook friend” does not always equal “friend.” I tried gathering some definitions. One dictionary says a friend is “a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of (1) sexual or (2) family relations.” Since I want to consider my wife a friend, and she is disqualified for two reasons, I have decided to try to find another definition. The Urban dictionary offers this: “A real friend is someone who: a)it’s okay to fart […]

Know Your Enemy

Who is my enemy? An “enemy” is someone who seeks to do you harm. Doesn’t it seem wise to id these people, the ones who want us harmed? So whom can we name as an enemy? Well, let’s start with the obvious. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 So Peter tells us that Satan is an enemy. Kind of hard to argue with that. He wants to, and tries to, do me harm. I guess I would put him as number 1 on my enemy list. Obviously all of ISIS and the others out there who want to kill me because I’m Christian or just not a muslim. Not much doubt they go on the list. Some others who burn my country’s flag and protest against America. I would have to say they go on the list. Certainly all those of different political parties from mine are enemies. It’s pretty troubling, but I’m thinking maybe the whole government is my enemy. It certainly seems to be seeking to do me harm. It wants my money and wants to use it for purposes […]

Before – Beside – Behind

On our recent trip to Branson, we hadn’t left Lafayette long when we moved into hill country. In hill country, driving is exciting. The road rises and falls and and seems to be one turn after the other. Around every turn and over every hill, there are surprises. You may come across a breathtaking vista or just another set of twists and turns, so much like life. These are really challenging days. It seems everyone I know is dealing with something. Not only that, but when one situation seems to settle down, another arises. Yesterday I finally was able to try a case in which I represent a friend. The case has been going on for five years. It’s been a real challenge. You always want to do a good job, but there is extra pressure when the client is a friend and there is much on the line. Just as I was approaching the top of the five-year old hill, I received a phone call that presented yet another troubling situation. I check the mail box every day for the next step in yet another challenge. Like the road to Branson, there are twists and turns, ups and […]

Gonna Miss Paul

I haven’t posted since the theatre shooting. I’ve been busy and didn’t really know what to say. It seems almost everything has been said. Much of it I already knew. I knew that Lafayette is a great community that I’m proud to call home. I knew Lafayette people are different in a good and special way. I knew that every death is tragic and the violent death of young people, especially so. I knew there are disturbed people who can wreak havoc in their pathetic attempts to be significant or meaningful. I knew that the national media would flock to a story like this. So what could I add? I have chosen to speak about another death. One that will affect me more personally and that will stay with me longer. My friend Paul Landry died this week. His service will be the same day as that of at least one of the victims of the theatre shooting. It will not get nearly as much notice. That’s the way life is. Paul was a good man. Even as his health was failing he was faithful to his ministry. Every month he would call those of us over 55 in our […]

Ten Times We Should Just Shut Up and Listen

There are times I just need to shut up and listen. I experienced two of them yesterday. When someone else is talking. I guess this is the big one. I had prepared a great lesson for the folks at the Abbeville Nursing Home. The folks who are normally quiet, non-responsive, even comatose, just seemed to want to talk. I’d smile and let them talk and then try to get back to the lesson. It didn’t work. The lesson was on choices. I finally made the choice to shut up and listen. It was the right choice. When you are in a nursing home, no one listens. In fact, most of us feel that no one ever really listens. So when someone is talking, especially if they are normally quiet, give the greatest gift you have: just shut up and listen. When you are hurting. Yesterday was not a good day. It went down hill from the nursing home. At one point my daughter asked how things were and I made the mistake of answering honestly. I had just heard Joyce Meyers talking about not saying anything when we don’t have anything good to say. When we are hurting, we […]

Pawns of Satan

Today someone commented on a post from three years ago. She said “That may be the most powerful article I have ever read in my life.  It definitely couldn’t be more timely. ” That made me think I should repost it. Here it is. Ephesians 6:12 New Living Translation (NLT) 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.   Satan uses people like a chess player uses pawns to carry out his schemes. There is no doubt about it. He tried to use Jesus. He will try to use us.    This leaves us with two challenges: 1. To recognize it’s a spiritual fight and see the real enemy. 2. Not be pawns ourselves.    The key to this is to recognize that satan uses folks when they are tired or hurt or discouraged or frightened, when they feel trapped, AND when they are not in Christ. When we are in Christ, people will see Jesus in us. It just happens. It’s not something we do. Jesus acts as our shield and our fortress.   […]