If Only We Can Just Stand

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:13 “Stand Your Ground” isn’t primarily a political, Second Amendment, Self-Defense concept. It’s a biblical principle. It’s about securing the protection of God, which is spiritual preparation and then standing. Let’s think for a minute what it means to “Stand.” To stand means we are responsible for a territory. That strikes deep at the heart. Most of us frankly avoid responsibility. If we have to have responsibility we like to “share” it. We don’t witness because that’s the preacher’s responsibility. We don’t teach our children about the Lord, isn’t that the Sunday School teacher’s job? Yet to be told we are to stand means that we are to stand somewhere. For starters, it means standing where we are. To stand means we stand at home. It is most difficult to stand among our family. We can stand at church; most of those people only see us a couple of hours a week. We can fake it for that long. But if I have to stand at […]

Totally Out of Touch

I just reviewed yesterday’s election results. No one I voted for won. It seems I am totally out of touch with political reality. I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing. I think I’m going to go with good thing. I guess there are a lot of good reasons I might be out of touch with the electorate. I’m sixty-six years old and most voters are younger than that. I vote on what I perceive are character traits of honesty and fair dealing. The current voter seems to buy into negative political advertising. I can’t help but notice the dirtier campaigns seem to have generally prevailed. Most of the winners seemed to have promised the same things we are always promised with no plan to pay for or accomplish the promised goodies. I think the real reason, however, is that my head and heart just aren’t in this place any more. I have long given up on the political system to advance us as a society or to protect us as individuals. I really see all battles as primarily spiritual and beyond the understanding of politicians or the power of government. The really bad news […]

Choosing the Door of Dependence

One of the longest running programs on television is  Let’s Make A Deal. I haven’t watched it in years but I remember the big decision contestants faced in choosing one of three doors. There was nothing to rely on but pure intuition. Great prizes awaited behind some doors. Gag gifts were hiding behind others. There are times in life like that. We face life changing decisions behind multiple doors. Which one should we choose? Sorry to say that this is not one of those posts in which I share a great insight I’ve had into one of life’s mysteries. This is just me staring at multiple doors and having no idea which to choose. I am not even sure which doors are actual viable choices and which are mirages. It’s pretty obvious when God has a change in store for us. If it isn’t immediately obvious, it eventually becomes so. God often did this to Israel. When they relied too heavily on God’s gifts and not Him, the gifts would start disappearing. Change was on the horizon. Door selection is less about making the richest choice than it is about making the most God dependent one. God’s  best path […]

Nothing Like Face Time

I had a very enjoyable Monday. I got to spend some time with Tyler, my grand daughter’s husband and their child Logan. At suppertime, I got time with Martha, Nicky and Sammie as we celebrated Nicky’s 14th birthday. I get plenty of updates on these family members but there is nothing like a little face time. Getting information about someone, even direct, but not face to face communication just isn’t the same thing. Relationships really need that one-on-one time. Isn’t that true of God? It amazes me that since all that Jesus’ death accomplished including the renting of the temple veil and the establishment of the right to enter into the holy of holies, we don’t take advantage of the privilege given children of God. Forgiveness and salvation are truly wonderful, but they are just prerequisites to the privilege of one-on-one with the Creator. God didn’t create us to be saved and forgiven. He saves and forgives us so that we can carry out the purpose of our creation, relationship with Him. Yet I can easily number the times I have truly fully entered into His presence. Each time was life changing and glorious. I suppose our reluctance isn’t […]

It’s Great to be a Florida Gator

This is usually one of my favorite weeks of the year. It’s time for Florida versus LSU in football. I enjoy it because I went to law school at Florida and just about everyone I know and love is an LSU fan. It’s just not the same this year. It should be. Both teams are undefeated and ranked high nationally. Normally I would be exchanging silly texts and emails with LSU fans. This year two idiots from the Florida team have ruined it all. The quarterback got suspended for illegal drug use and one of the best defensive players is off the team after getting in trouble with the law. It’s not the first time a Florida or an LSU player has done something stupid. (Wow is that an understatement.) I always one upped the LSU people because we produced Tim Tebow; they can’t top that one for all round good guys. Consider the problem. If LSU should win, they are,  after all, at home and two of our best and dumbest players are out, then there will always be the “what if.” You always want to win when your opponent is at their best. If Florida should win […]

Peace is Not About Control

I keep making the mistake of thinking that peace means being in control. That’s just not right. In fact, for most things in life, control is an illusion. We can control very little when you get right down to it. There are things we can influence, but very few we can control. Exercise and diet can influence our health but don’t completely control it. We can do nothing about heredity and very little about disease process. We have great influence over our children, especially when they are young. As they age our control dwindles and eventually disappears. Things like the weather, the economy and politics are completely out of control, ours or, it seems, anyone else’s. Even things like our calendar and to-do list seem to have either minds of their own or the minds of others. The great paradox about peace is that it is really only attainable when we let go of control and place everything in hands of the only one who really has any control, God.  That sounds very simple, but it’s really tough to do. It’s both a decision and a process. After years of trying, we have to come to realize that we really […]

Friendship Famine

I came across an article today discussing the lack of friends among men. Friends really are hard to come by, especially for men. I understand for many their spouse is their best friend. I know that’s true for me, but should our life mate our only friend? Think about this. If you wanted a friend to join you for a movie or a football game, who would you call? I normally bring my grandkids to events that my best friend, my wife, isn’t interested in. That’s great, but it does show a problem. We should all have folks our own age and stage of life that we can spend time with and who are uniquely suited to understand what we might be going through. That’s something that’s greatly lacking these days. Perhaps you’ve heard the mantra of friendship evangelism. Make a friend. Be a Friend. Bring a friend to Christ. Our friendship famine can’t be good for evangelism. Have you successfully shared the gospel with anyone in the last year? Certainly the best chance we have for evangelism is with those who consider us friends. It’s not a good sign that most of us have less than a handful […]

Petty Troubles

Got a little something in your life that isn’t perfect? Think you have problems? Consider: Your job is a pain. Do you realize how many living right here in Acadiana would love to have a job, any job? Your spouse is a pain. Do you realize how many would give anything to hold their spouse of decades just one more time? Your kids are a pain.  I’m just one person you know who has lost a child. Just shut up. Don’t know what to have for supper.  Millions won’t be eating tonight and haven’t had much to eat all day. Concerned this is no longer a Christian nation.  Chances are you won’t be killed for your faith today. Not everyone is so lucky. The murder of Christians is now epidemic in many countries.  Besides if you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Those fall allergies are kicking in. Do you have cancer? Is your life expectancy less than a year? Are you in the hospital? Can’t seem to lose that excess weight? See “Don’t know what to have for supper” above. The government is too liberal.  How many government […]