Totally Radical

Occasionally, I like to write something that reminds me what a total radical I am. Today is one of those days. I believe that the modern church, particularly in the west, is generally a failure. The problem, I believe is fundamental and structural. The western Christian church is based on a clergy/lay, paid/unpaid, full-time/part-time model. Under this structure, full-time, paid clergy do the bulk of the ministry, make the decisions, and structure the church. The job of everyone else is to provide financial support and herd the lost toward the clergy who will then minister as they have been trained. Churches are designed so that the clergy sits up front and leads the service while the rest sit in straight rows and essentially watch. The lay Christians are often preached at and told they need to be more involved, but the real opportunities to do more than write a check are minimal. This model has forces that focus on getting the lost into church and not bringing them to Jesus. It requires adherence to a tithe plus mentality to provide a continuing flow of dollars in support of paid staff and substantial buildings. It results in exhausted ministers and frustrated […]


I’m better. My symptoms haven’t improved. In fact I think they are worse. I had a prescheduled  doctor appointment today. He told me it’s probably viral and what I was doing was about all that can be done. At least my blood pressure was great and my blood work was good. I’m better in that I am better than others. I’ve had lots of folks supporting me. I’m not alone. I’m not fighting cancer or struggling with the loss of a loved one. I’m not hopeless wondering what life is all about or what would happen if I died today. I have family are doing well. I got a visit from my grand daughter and Logan today. Watching him squeal with delight as he played with Rosemary was awesome.  I have a church I love. I’m still making a living around many who are jobless. We still have time for a decent presidential candidate to emerge. Well, maybe that’s being a bit too optimistic. I wonder why it’s so easy to focus on the few things that are not perfect about our lives instead of all the things that are really great. Look around maybe things are better than […]


I’m sick. I’m running a low fever. My throat hurts. My head and nose feel full of gunk. The holidays are over and now is the “after the first of the year” time when I planned to do stuff. I don’t feel like doing stuff.  I feel like laying in bed all day. I’m not sick very often. I really don’t like it. It disturbs my schedule and makes me feel very vulnerable. How do people who are often sick handle it? What’s sickness about? Is its purpose to make us appreciate health? Is it an opportunity to savor hot drinks and chicken soup over meat and potatoes? Is it like dreary rainy days that make clear skies and sunshine so great? Is it about recognizing our dependence and morality?  Is it God saying “Stop and just be with me a moment and listen before you dive into all you think you have to do.”? Is it a closed-door to stop us from going somewhere we should not? Is it training in empathy to enable us to better minister to those who suffer greatly?  Is it a chance to see the miraculous power of prayer? I think I will […]

Tenuous Trust

I began 2016 by removing a bumper sticker from my truck. The sticker proclaimed my support for a particular candidate for president. I didn’t remove it because I no longer support the candidate; it’s part of my new year’s resolution to be careful about where I place my trust. I still think this candidate would be best for the country, but I feared that the bumper sticker was an expression of trust in the ability of any candidate to really make a difference. That I don’t have. To me “trust” is a two-fold proposition. I have to trust the intentions of the trusted and the ability of that person to do what is necessary. I know longer believe that anyone in politics can do what this country needs; hence, the bumper sticker is gone. It’s strange whom we trust. For years I thought Bill Cosby was a great guy. One of the few comedians that didn’t rely on vulgarity for humor. He portrayed a wonderful family man on television. I would have trusted him with any woman in my family. Although I firmly believe in “innocence until proven guilty,” it certainly seems that such trust could have been greatly […]


The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 My wife and I are celebrating New Year’s Eve in our traditional fashion. We are staying home. I am watching football and she is researching on the internet. I pretty usual night. It all started back in 1970 when we were dating. Rosemary got all dressed up to go out on New Year’s Eve and I showed up to pick her up in jeans and a t–shirt. She ended up agreeing to marry me anyway and we’ve never gone out on New Year’s eve for the last forty-five years. I’ve never understand the big deal over New Year’s anyway. I understand the fondness for newness. Who doesn’t like the smell of a new car or having anything “new?” The “newness” of the first of the year is pretty artificial. Frankly, for most of us, our lives are no different on January the first from what they are on December 31st. Even when we used to write a lot more checks it would take me weeks to update to the new year. I don’t know anyone who really makes long-standing […]

Christ Progression

31“Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. 32“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.” John 12:31-32 Millions world-wide are wrapping up the celebration of Jesus’ birth. I recognize that many of those celebrating don’t know Jesus as savior or even much about him. To many it’s just a really great holiday. That’s okay. It’s  part of the process. The nature of our Savior is that He continues to draw us closer and deeper. Our relationship with Him is never enough. There is always more. With Jesus, it’s just a higher form of the relationship we might have with any special person. A magnetic personality draws us closer and deeper. Jesus is the super magnet. We can never get enough. Of the millions who celebrated Christmas just as a great holiday, there will be some who are drawn closer wondering how a birth two thousand yearsago could still be bring joy. They will want to know more about the child. They will be draw closer. Of the ones who come to believe that Jesus was a real person and, yes, maybe even the son […]

Presence over Presents

I know it’s cliche’ to say that Christmas is more about presence than presents, but this year I experienced the truth of that like never before. As we age, family begins to experience conflicts especially around the holidays. It’s hard to be everywhere we are expected to be and even want to be. In modern society, this is more stressful than ever because there are more “step” relationships that multiple the obligations. Yesterday, from where I sat, I could see each person climb the steps to our back door. Someone would announce who had arrived and a bit of relief and excitement would spread through those already gathered. Not once was there a single moan or exclamation of “I hoped they wouldn’t make it.” I was thrilled with the presence of every single person who “made it” for Christmas. The time for Christmas presents has passed, but the opportunity to give our presence continues. The week between Christmas and the return to school and work after New Years Day is an excellent opportunity to continue to give presence. Perhaps for the first time ever I was unable to make my extended family gathering on the 23rd. I hope this […]


The message of Christmas is simply expressed, yet enormous in impact and miraculous in execution. Since the miracle at Bethlehem, God is now with us in a universal, savior of the world, sense as well as a God is with me personally sense. For this there is amble evidence. For the universal evidence,  there are stars in the east, skies filled with angels, travelling wise men, and a stack of fulfilled prophecies. The personal proofs are, of course, various and individual but just as convincing. Last April, for example, I was cured of rotator cuff tears in both shoulders. I don’t know if the tears are still present. All I know is I can now raise either arm, lift a reasonable amount, and swim as much as I want without pain. That’s God individually present. I have experienced God providing escape routes out of situations that seemed hopeless. I have known nearly sixty-seven years of faithful provision. I have seen God in loving eyes, felt him in reassuring hugs, and heard him during dark times of doubt. God’s task of keeping us aware of his presence is tricky. He doesn’t allow the lives of his children to be so […]