The forty-fifth President, Donald Trump, is at war with the media. It’s been amazing and sickening to watch in the first few days of his administration, the lies, mischaracterizations, and personal attacks, even on his 10 year old son. Christians should be particularly sympathetic. In large part due to our media, the United States is now on an annual list of the world’s persecutors of Christians and countries that are regressing in religious freedom. The United States is a “new and noteworthy” nation in the 2016 “Hall of Shame Report” issued by International Christian Concern, or ICC. “… certain segment of the culture and the courts seem to be intent on driving faith out of the public square. There have been too many court cases with bad decisions to miss the clear trend line.” For example, after Muslim terrorist Omar Mateen murdered 49 and injured 53 innocent people in a June 11, 2016, attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, it was Christians whom many targeted with blame, the report states. “Incredibly, after the attack, numerous high profile media outlets blamed the attacks on what they perceived as the anti-LGBTQ atmosphere that Christians have created. “In short, Christians in the […]
Eight Keys to Making a Difference in 2017
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19 Got any resolutions left? I gave up making resolutions years ago. I still look at the New Year as a chance to refresh things. I updated my law practice website to reflect a new “mobile” aspect to my practice. Check it out. Would love comments and critical eyes to review. When you do something like that yourself, you really miss having an editor. Being more “mobile” with my work is just one aspect of “getting out there.” It’s also part of the plan for being a more effective disciple maker. That’s really the only way to make a difference. I have been watching some videos on this from Verge Network. Here are the keys from the first video. Making disciples is God’s plan. I wrote about it last time. It’s really a pyramid “scheme” the original one. It’s more than just making Christians. We often think our job is to get folks to say a prayer asking Jesus into their hearts. Evangelism is just the first step in disciple making. It’s an awesome and […]
God’s Pyramid Scheme
In the 70s, I was in the military and there was always a need for a few extra bucks. Lot’s of us got involved in Amway or Home Interiors. These were essential pyramid schemes. They sold pretty good products and you could get involved on different levels. Customer – You could just like the products and buy them from friends who were distributors. Distributor – You could become a distributor and get the products at a discount and just use them yourself. Working Distributor – You could really distribute the products and make a profit on what you sold. Enrolling Distributor – Some realized that there was more money in getting others to distribute product “under” you. You earned a percentage from what your recruited distributors sold. Enrolling Enrolling Distributors – The real money was in enrolling distributors who enrolled others who enrolled others. That’s how the pyramid really grew and the money “rolled in.” It’s a pretty good plan. In fact, God came up with it. It was Jesus’ plan to build His kingdom. We followers are really part of the original pyramid scheme. Okay “scheme” is a word with negative connotation Let’s just say pyramid plan. Most of us […]
Making a Difference
We are already half way through the first month of 2017. This year is going to fly by even faster than last. Maybe it’s time to focus on what I really want to do in 2017. Sure I want to lose weight, get more fit, learn a new language, write a book, and, oh yes, change the world. I suspect I’m not going to really do all that. What I should really want to do is what Jesus told me to do. “Make disciples.” It may not mean losing weight, getting fit, learning a new language or writing a book, but it may actually change the world. Jesus didn’t tell us to “make disciples” for no reason. He came and died to change things, to make a difference, and this is how it will happen. In the first couple of weeks of 2017, I have stumbled across something that may help me do that “make disciples” thing. For some time I have got emails from the Verge Network. They described themselves as champions and advocates for movements of Missional Communities. Some of my favorite Christian teachers are involved: Francis Chan and David Platt. They talk a lot about being […]
I got mooned last night. That’s call a “hook.” Are you hooked? I attended the monthly men’s meeting at The Bayou last night. Moon Griffon was the guest speaker. I have listened to Moon since the days his show originated from Yankee country, Monroe. I had never met Moon or heard him speak in person. His presentation was impressive. I won’t share the personal aspects, because…they’re personal. I will share his main points. Live today. God’s been hitting me with this message a lot lately. It’s very biblical. “Give us this day.” “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” It’s just so easy to regret yesterday and fear for tomorrow. Today is the only thing we’ve got that we can do something with. Moon did a great job of reminding me of that. Be thankful for everything. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17. Good things come from God, the problem is that they are often packaged, as well, problems. Just because we can’t see […]
Making Christianity Relevant Again
Sometimes I come across something so true and so well written it deserves repeating at least in part. This is part an email adapted from Richard Rohr, an unpublished talk, Canossian Spirituality Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, December 3, 2016 emphasis supplied. Our religion is not working well. Another year has ended—a new year begins—in which suffering, fear, violence, injustice, greed, and meaninglessness still abound. This is not even close to the reign of God that Jesus taught. And we must be frank: in their behavior and impact upon the world, Christians are not much different than other people. The majority of Christians are not highly transformed people, but tend to reflect their own culture more than they operate as any kind of leaven within it. I speak especially of American Christians, because I am one. Let’s be honest: religion has probably never had such a bad name. Christianity is now seen as “irrelevant” by many and often as part of the problem more than any kind of solution. Some of us are almost embarrassed to say we are Christian because of the negative images that word conjures in others’ minds. Young people especially are turned off by how […]
New Star Wars – Not Great or Just Not New
I dozed off a couple of times during the new Star Wars movie. That alone should not be condemnation. I fall asleep during most movies. However, producers beware, my 15-year-old grandson slept through a substantial part of the film. Not good news. This new one has all the previously winning Star War elements. Nifty space ships. Strange looking aliens. Space battles and laser shoot ups. Nice looking young people. It has the same theme: a seemingly hopeless struggle against the ominous and very evil empire. Star Wars came out on May 25, 1977. I was twenty-eight years old, still in the Navy. I had hair and young children. I am now sixty-seven, little hair and little great grand children. Carrie Fisher was a girl. Today she’s dead. To this generation, the Star War elements are historic and not revolutionary. A lot has changed since 1977. Perhaps the saddest thing is that maybe the theme is now out of date, the seemingly hopeless struggle against the ominous and very evil empire. Donald Trump won. To half the country the rebels are in charge and the evil empire is being vanquished. To the other half, the evil empire is about to […]
Not Super or The Best
In yesterday’s mail I got a copy of Super Lawyers, Louisiana Edition. Since I have been practicing law in Louisiana for 35 years I am familiar with many of the lawyers featured in the magazine. Some are pretty good lawyers. Some not so much. None are “super.” puts out the advertising packed magazine. As the Journal of the American Bar Association has reported, ads in Super Lawyers can cost super bucks. Super Lawyers puts out a promotion kit for their “Super” lawyers advising how to make the most out of their “Super Lawyer” status. The kit warns the “Super” lawyers to be careful with words: HOW TO TALK ABOUT SUPER LAWYERS: OKAY TO SAY: She was included in this year’s Florida Super Lawyers list. NOT OKAY TO SAY: She’s a Super Lawyer. OKAY TO SAY: Super Lawyers selected three people from this firm. NOT OKAY TO SAY: This firm has a lot of Super Lawyers. OKAY TO SAY: Sally was selected to the 2017 Wisconsin Super Lawyers list. No more than five percent of the lawyers in the state were selected. NOT OKAY TO SAY: Sally was recognized by Super Lawyers, which means she is in the […]