Throw Your Life Away

“Only those who throw away their lives for my sake & the Good News will ever know what it means to really live” Mrk 8:35 LBYesterday the NBA held it’s annual draft. A handful of young men have achieved the dream of thousands to play basketball professionally. Glance at the sports page or ESPN and you will see pics of foolish smiles wearing caps of the teams that have selected the wearers. Having it all in your early twenties. Yet we all know that many of these young men will end up miserable, even penny less or destitute. They will “throw away” what appears to be an unbelievable opportunity. We will shake our heads in disgust when we hear how these lives turn out. Yet most of us will do even worse. Throwing away an even greater opportunity.Haven’t you heard the advice: “Don’t throw your life away.” Sometimes it’s given by a parent to a child who is wanting to marry an “undesirable” or make an unconventional vocation choice. Maybe it’s confided to someone too attached to a vice like drugs or unsavory friends. But Jesus says it’s the only way to live. Most of us as we grow older […]

I Never Knew You

Matthew 7:21-23 English Standard Version (ESV) 21  says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22  many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23  never knew you; you workers of lawlessness.’ There are lots of encouraging verses in scripture. We like to memorize them and post them on our Facebook pages. This isn’t one of them. This one is frightening and disturbing. It raises the possibility that we might not be as secure in our relationship with Jesus as we would like to believe. It causes us to ask if we really “know” him. I am a great fan of Tim Tebow. I have followed his career for years as a Gator, a Bronco and now a Jet. I feel like I “know” him. But I’ve never met him and if you asked him he would certainly not know me. Some of us are like that with Jesus. We know ABOUT Him but we don’t know Him. That kind of knowledge is certainly no sufficient to gain us entry into heaven. To really know someone we have to spend time with them. We all need […]

Fear – Robber of Life

I had a urology workup yesterday. It was painful but endurable. The results were fine. No real problems. I had known I needed the tests for a couple of weeks and I had been fearful of both the tests and the potential results.  I wasted much time and energy in those days in fear. Noticed I said “fear” not “nervous” or “anxious” or “apprehensive.” That was very brave of me. Those are the words we  use when we are fear people will think less of us because we fear. Isn’t that ridculous. Fear is a universal condition.  Jesus was wise. He repeatedly advised His disciples not to fear. They still ran like scared rabbits when his torturers showed up with torches in the night. We like to think that after the Holy Spirit fell they became fearless. That’s probably not true. At least not right away. In the years that followed they went to foreign lands, they were whipped, ridiculed, tortured and killed. I gotta think they were sometimes afraid. But they did it anyway. After the first couple of times, they were less fearful. They learned that God was with them and it wasn’t as bad as they feared. The […]

Listen Listen Love Love Learn Learn

At the end of a Kairos weekend we give each participant the opportunity to receive a cross. We tell them “Christ is counting on you” and they respond “I am counting on Christ.” For those of us with “altar calls” in our denominational arsenal we may look at this as an “acceptance” of Christ. We often grade the weekend by the number of guys who are still particpating on Sunday and who receive a cross.  In most cases, most of the guys take a cross. This time 6 did not.  We have to remember that Kairos is more complicated than this. It’s not a tent meeting or a revival. It’s not a Billy Graham Crusade. All great things.  Many of these men come in as  Christians, in some cases Christians with a better walks than the volunteers, but they may be tired or discouraged on Thursday. They are, after all, in prison, most with life sentences. On Sunday they are invigorated, encouraged and renewed. Mission accomplished.  Some have no relationship with Jesus on Thursday but are well on their way on Sunday. Mission accomplished.  Some are muslims or jews on Thursday and on Sunday; but they have a new […]

Just Show Up

Much preparation goes into a Kairos weekend. That can’t be denied. Many people sacrifice for 36 guys. But we don’t get it all right. In fact, we don’t get most of it right. Sometimes it looks a little like a circus without a ringmaster. But it always seems to come out. You know it worked when one of your volunteers speaks Russian and a prisoner is trying to connect with his Jewish Russian roots. At the end this jew is proclaiming Jesus and daring his fellow inmates to stay with the program after we leave. You know it worked when a man who has been in prison since he was fifteen has to be prayed back for day three because the love is too much to handle. You know it’s working when the bloodiest prison in America becomes a model for prisons. You know it’s working when a man who’s grown old in prison says he’s learned to be a servant and he kind of likes it. You know it’s working when you keep blinking so the tears don’t show. You know it’s working when you love those who are unloveable and that’s just your fellow team members. The […]

The Power of Fun

Day 2 of Kairos 54 at Angola was a roaring success. The men were very receptive to all that was happening, the food was great, the talks inspiring, the Spirit present. What struck me the most on Day 2 was the power of fun. A Kairos weekend is really a lot of fun. Spend some time watching guys singing and dancing and clapping and you will see what I mean. Smiles were everywhere. Although there were certainly moments of appropriate seriousness, the day was basically . . . fun. Have we lost the power of fun in the church? I am sure our Lord was blessed by singing of simple songs done loudly and enthusiastically. They aren’t the latest worship tunes, nor were they backed up by a praise band. But the singing sure was fun. It seems silly for grown men to draw posters and then stand in front of each other and explain them, but it sure was fun. It’s a lost activity to spend a day just talking and listening and not to a television, radio, or ipad, but to other humans. But it sure was fun. It isn’t often that one rides with a car […]