Check Up

Today is semiannual physical check up day at our house. About a week ago Rosemary and I went to a lab and had blood drawn and gave fluid samples. Today we meet with our internist. We get poked and weighed and evaluated. We end up with a bunch of numbers: weight, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, etc. Based on these numbers we get an idea of how we are doing physically. Based on these numbers perhaps we make some adjustments: change a medication, alter a diet, make an appointment with a specialist.  I like check up day, after the checkup. There is normally a since of “made it” and “that wasn’t too bad.” Normally there isn’t horrible news. If there are things out of line, usually we can fix them with a bit of adjustment. The biggest relief comes from knowing it’s over. Rose and I usually celebrate by going to lunch and making wild promises to do much better over the next six months. As important as our spiritual lives are, you would think we would do spiritual check ups at least as often as we do physical ones. I don’t. I go forward with only the vaguest […]

Palm Sunday

Matthew 21:1-11 21 As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, what was spoken through the prophet: 5 “Say to Daughter Zion,    ‘See, your king comes to you,gentle and riding on a donkey,    and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’” on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 9 The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!”[c]

Our Aging World

As we age, much of what we have relied on becomes unreliable. Our bodies start to fail us. Our minds tend to lose a grip on reality. Our sources of income dwindle. Our friends die. Our families become preoccupied with their own lives. We have little to rely on but Jesus. That’s part of His plan. He provides our final opportunity to place our trust where it belongs. He did the same with the children of Israel. When they became too reliant on anything but Him, He took the offending crutch away. Our world is marching toward its end as well. It’s aging as each of us is. Just as God dealt with Israel and He deals with us, He is dealing with the world’s population. Haven’t you notice how the things that people rely on have become much less reliable. The physical world is failing with earthquakes and storms. The political world is completely untrustworthy. The financial world is no place to put your trust. A loving God allows these things as the end approaches. He wants us to put our trust where it belongs: in his Loving and Powerful arms. We really have no other viable choice. […]

Above the Clouds

It’s a dreary, rainy day. Sunshine is promised for later, but it’s my desire to crawl back into bed until the sun does come out. I am without joy or motivation in the meantime.  I am reminded, however, that I used to fly a lot. It was always amazing, and sometimes a bit scary, to fly on a day like today. As the plane gained altitude, you might encounter turbulence and frightful conditions, but eventually you break through the clouds and enter the realm of blue sky and sunshine. It’s really always there. We just don’t always see it.  I have been through some “cloudy” and “rainy” days lately. Sometimes I can remember that if I can just get “high” enough, if I can get close enough to God, the dark clouds will be below me and sunshine and blue sky will be within view.  If we can get close enough to God, we can share, at least a little, of His perspective. He’s always above the clouds. He can see higher and further than we can. It’s always beautiful up where He is. Next time it seems dark and dreary in your life. Close you eyes and commune […]

Are You having any fun?

Will  you still need me? Will  you still feed me? When I’m sixty-four. Seemed like some valid questions when the Beatles asked them back in the 60s. Yesterday I turned sixty-four and, for me, some of the questions are answered.  I still feel needed and, thank God, I can still feed myself. I was able to spend a good day. Watched the Gators outlast Alabama after humiliating LSU the day before. Watched Cajun baseball win another weekend series. Don’t want to discuss softball. Ended the day going to a movie about a retirement home for musicians. Seems a strange way to pass your 64th, but it turned out to be good. The themes were positive: Love is eternal.  God’s gifts endure and are special when used for the benefit of others. Maggie Smith can still act and the girl has a mouth on her. It was wonderful watching 80 somethings who could still belt out a tune. There was some great opera but my favorite was a rendition of an old Tony Bennett song. The lyrics go like the: Hey fellow with a million smackersAnd nervous indigestionRich fellow, eats milk and crackersI’ll ask you one questionYou silly so and […]

Pope Francis

I am not a Catholic, but I understand that it’s important who the Pope is.  From the little that I have read, it seems that the conclave picked a good man. By all accounts, he is a very simple man, with great humility, love for the poor, and experience in leading the church in a country known for it’s corruption. In short, Francis seems to be a “good man.” At this point in history, it’s important that the Pope be a good man. More generally, it’s important that all prominent Christians be good men. The church  (the entire church not just the Catholic branch) has an image problem. Many in leadership have had public fallings and others have attempted to cover up instances of human failing. There is a perception that the church is out of touch and not relevant to our times, when, in fact, the church is more necessary to a decent world that at any other time in our history. In times like these it is critically important that when the world sees the church, they see Jesus. It begins with having “good men” in positions of leadership. It goes much further than that. Many don’t […]

Common Ordinary Sin

I am convinced that it’s not the “big” sins that do us in, that hinder our mission and stall our spiritual growth. It is, rather, the common ordinary sins which become  habit that we need to focus on.  It might be helpful to consider what “sin” is. We don’t talk about it very much these days. I like the definition that says it’s “missing the mark.” I also like to think of it as anything that hinders our relationship with God and with each other or that negatively affects our mission.  The reason the little sins are so potent is that we can come to believe that they aren’t sin at all. Spend an evening watching network television, forget the “premium channels” and look for sin as defined above. I guarantee that if you pointed out to most folks that these activities are “sin” you would be greeted with blank stares. The “little things” we do that “miss the mark” waste our time and misdirect our focus and, in the end, ruin us. On a long journey it just takes being off course a single degree to insure the we never reach our intended destination. Spend today categorizing all […]

Seven Cardinal Rules of Life

Someone posted this on Facebook last night. These are some pretty good guidelines, at least when you first read them. After further prayer and thought, they need a little work.  In case you are having trouble reading them here they are with my afterthoughts in bold: 1. Make PEACE with your PAST so it doesn’t spoil your present. Your past does not define your future – your actions and beliefs do. I would add if your past is forgiven by God it should be forgotten by you.  2. What others THINK of  you is none of your business. It’s how much you value yourself and how important you think you are. I would add that it’s really that fact that God values your that makes life worth living.  3. Time HEALS almost everything give time, time. Pain will be less hurting. Scars makes us who we are, they explain our life and why we are the way we are. They challenge us and force us to be stronger. This is true only if we have the Holy Spirit working within changing, challenging and empowering.  4. No one is the reason for your own HAPPINESS, except you yourself. Waste no […]