Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19 Yesterday I discussed the tendency to over intellectualize Christianity. That’s not to say that teaching and learning are not important. In fact, “making disciples” is the greatest challenge facing the church.  Consider the challenge. Church attendance is down in America. Fewer folks attend church on a regular basis. Of those who do attend, most attend only a worship service on Sunday. Only a handful attend midweek services, Sunday School or other gatherings of Christians. Lots of Christians get their “teaching” from books, websites or from TV preachers. Some are great. Some not so much.  For these reasons, much of the focus of the local church is on the Sunday service. Consider those in attendance: long term members with varying degrees of maturity, new members, visitors. Those in attendance have innumerable concerns and distractions: raising children, paying bills, facing retirement, facing illness, facing death. On a Sunday morning a Pastor must attempt to somehow touch ever person and meet every need. Good luck.  Most pastors recognize the impossibility of meeting every need in […]

Getting Fed

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” John 21:15The most common complaint of those who are disgruntled or who have even left a church is that they were not “being fed.” Since Jesus clearly told Peter to “Feed my lambs.” this seems a compelling condemnation. However, I suspect that it is based on a misunderstanding of what it means to be a Christian or a “follower of Christ.” We seem to think that Christianity is primarily an intellectual pursuit. This is understandable in one sense. God is so infinite and deep that if we spent every minute studying Him and His ways we would never completely know Him. But the gospel is simple. It was designed to be easily understood. Great intellect or learning is not required.  Consider, Jesus didn’t call his disciples to be great teachers. He didn’t pick those who were intellectually superior. Christianity is primarily experiential. The depth of our walk is not determined by what we know, but by Whom we know and by what we […]

Render Unto Caesar

And Jesus answering said to them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. And they marveled at him. Mark 12:17There is not much doubt that this is my least favorite week of the year. “Tax Time” doesn’t have much meaning to most Americans any more. Most folks have a money taken from their paycheck every month and early the next year they get some of it back. It seems like a gift from the government, even though it’s their money and maybe some of someone else’s money as well. The income tax with holding system is the most sinister evil plot ever conceived by our government. It has convinced most of  us that “tax time” is when the government gives us money. If you are one of those who is subject to withholding, it might be a good idea to compute not what you are “getting back” but what the government is keeping. Just a thought.  As our government gets more and more evil, it gets  harder and harder for those of us who write a check each April to write that check. It’s without a doubt the largest check […]

Resurrection People

After the resurrection, Jesus was different. I’m not saying He was a ghost or “not Jesus” but He was different. He seemed to slip in and out of the scene. There was a special heavenly glow about Him. It was not unlike the difference between the disciples, before and after Pentecost. It’s kind of like the difference in us, before and after Jesus. Jesus promised that we would be new creations. We are, but I’m not sure we always appreciate just how different we are. I like to call us, Resurrection People. It is helpful to remember we are different and just how we are different after Christ. Resurrection Perspective. After Christ we don’t see things completely like God does, but we do see things differently. We have an elevated view of things. This new view isn’t constant. We can fall back into seeing the world like we did before Jesus. If we are faithful, he grants us views of things somewhat as He sees them and perspective is everything. Resurrection Purpose. The saddest thing about people who don’t have Jesus, at least on the surface, is their fruitless search for purpose. Mankind scurries about looking for the “meaning […]

The Bible – Part Five

I watched the Bible, Part Four, last night. It was great. Like any summarization, they skipped some of my favorite parts and skimmed over other things. It seemed important to me that Paul of Taursas was originally Saul, but that’s not a huge deal.  There were segments that hit me harder. My favorite might be when Jesus tells Thomas that he has seen and believed, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. He’s talking about us. We get caught up in admiring the personalities in scripture and we think it would have been great to have been participants in these great events. Wouldn’t it have been nice to have seen Jesus personally? Yet, Jesus is calling us who have not seen, blessed. That’s pretty cool. I guess the part that came across the strongest was the idea that the story is not over. Jesus talks to Peter about changing the world. The world still needs some changing. His plan is still the same: personal evangelism, one person at a time.  How are we writing our part of the story? How is The Bible – Part Five being written. Sometimes I think we are too hung […]

Happy Easter – Happy Resurrection Sunday

Happy Easter – Happy Resurrection Sunday. For us, this is really the big holiday, the great celebration. Jesus is risen and everything is changed. But I think it might be useful to remember who “we” are.  I watched Bill O’Reilly last night and he had a program about faith and recent attacks on people of faith. Yes, I am a person of faith. I believe in God. But that puts me in the same category as Christians, Jews, Muslims and many who don’t know who they are. Certainly there is a recent attack on people who believe in God from those who don’t. The nonbelievers think that science has the answers for every question and those who believe in God aren’t very smart. So all of us who believe in God stand united. But more than believe in God, I trust in God. I don’t just know He exists, but I trust His word as the final authority. I believe He is creator and sets rules for humanity and still intervenes in the lives of people. That puts me in a subset of believers in God. But that subset also includes folks who aren’t even Christians. But more than […]

Good Friday

Today is the day that turns our understanding of the world upside down. We call this day “good” although it memorializes one of the most horrifying deaths imaginable. We celebrate death, even though we ordinarily don’t even want to talk about death.  My wife and I enjoy listening to the audio book series, The Number One Ladies Detective Agency. It takes place in Botswana. The characters don’t refer to folks as dead or deceased but as “late.” It’s amusing but it’s not that different from our reluctance to think about death, ours or those we love.  Yet, death is a marvelous thing. Through the death of a seed, a tree grows, Through our deaths, we enter eternal life. Through the death of one God Man, salvation is possible for us.  Celebrate completely this weekend. He died, Praise God, so that we might live. He died, so He could rise. Celebrate His resurrection; but remember it’s possible because of His death.  Are there things in your life that need to die? Are there things that need to end so that real life can begin? His death makes joyous life possible; but there are things in us that must die as […]

Easter Bunny too controversial???

A school in Alabama has decided that the Easter Bunny, and, in fact, the word “Easter” are too controversial and likely to cause discomfort for some. They are, therefore, banned.  This is disturbing on so many levels. First off this isn’t in New York or California. We are talking about Alabama, the Bible Belt.  I guess I could understand if teachers were asked not to discuss the crucifixion or the resurrection, but the Easter Bunny? What are these people afraid of? Be sure it is a question of fear. They are apparently afraid that Easter Bunnies will make one think of Easter Eggs which will remind someone of Jesus (not sure how) and, of course, we can’t have that.  People are concerned about school shootings and violence on students and teachers. They want to forbid guns and Jesus. Does that make any sense? It’s time to take a stand. Among the Easter eggs and bunnies and chocolate and candy, let’s mention Jesus. Let’s tell kids the reason for this season.  The most important event in human history shouldn’t be reduced to bunnies, especially when even they have become too offensive. If people seem offended if you mention “Easter” spare […]