I was not involved in sports as a kid. It just wasn’t our family thing. Perhaps because of that my kids weren’t involved either. We didn’t do soccer games, or little league or drop off kids at football practice. I say this to put last night’s dream in perspective. I dreamed that my four year old great grand daughter was showing promise as a runner and we were all acting as her coaches. In fact, she got to be pretty good and folks asked me what I did as a coach. This is what I love above dreams. I can be smarter and more daring in dreams than I am in real life. In my dream I told people: “All I do is stand past the finish line and call after her to ‘come here.’” We are all called to be coaches. There is even a job title now, “Life Coach.” I guess we are all called to be life coaches. It’s different from being a sports coach. We can’t claim a lack of experience. We have all played the game of life. It’s easy to think that a four year old doesn’t want to hear from a sixty-four […]
Wednesday evening after services, Rose and I went to Yogurtland with Pastor T, Debbie and our grandson, Nicky. At this place you put together your own yogurt creation. There are a bunch of yogurt dispensers with a wide variety of flavors and a ton of different toppings. It turns out I’m a pretty simple man. I selected one flavor and one topping. My companions were much more creative. I don’t know, mathematically, how many different combinations of toppings and yogurt is possible, but it has to be in the millions. I don’t think while we were there any two customers came up with the same finished product. Ain’t God something. While it is true that all of us can be basically divided into two groups: those who follow Jesus and those who don’t. It is also true that we are a complex variety of individuals of all shapes, sizes, colors, likes and dislikes. It’s what makes God’s creation so great. Last night was the last night of the NBA Finals. I was cheering for San Antonio but Miami won. I’m sure some San Antonio fans didn’t sleep last night after the very close loss. I turned off the TV […]
Man of Steel
Nicky and I went to see Man of Steel yesterday. It’s the story of Superman from his birth on Krypton to his emergence as super hero on earth. The director was way too much in love with special effects. In his attempt to save the world, he nearly destroys Metropolis. Thousands must have died but Lois Lane was saved, more than once. My favorite part was in the last scene when Superman decides he will hide out as a mild mannered reporter. He accomplishes this by putting glasses on what has become the most famous face on the planet. I don’t know about you, but people know who I am with or without my glasses. It just not that easy to hide who you are. The movie did remind me that it is all about identity. It’s really not that complicated. Fundamentally we or either sinners on our way to hell or blood bought children of God headed in the other direction. If we are His children, God can weave a wonderful story of purpose, challenge and joy for our lives. If we are in the other situation, we are left to try to work out a happy ending […]
That’s the Spirit
Rosemary pointed out to me this week how she has had a lighter feeling at church. I agreed and noticed some other things that represent the presence of the Holy Spirit at work. It’s a good thing when the Spirit is active and moving. He is always present, but is sometimes restricted by blocks we throw up and our unwillingness to be moved. Here are some signs that He’s in action: 1. The Spirit convicts; the enemy condemns. You can tell the Holy Spirit is around when you become aware of the ways you fall short and are motivated to become more like the Savior. Satan only condemns and acts like there is no solution or way out. 2. The skys are blue. When the Spirit is moving things seem great, even when there are challenges. The Spirit is always a positive force, an encourager and a mover and a shaker. He excites us about today and encourages us about tomorrow. 3. You hear Him talking. I notice that when the Spirit is active folks around are praying in the Spirit. I’m not sure which comes first. I guess it’s kind of a chicken or the egg thing. But […]
Rose and I love British television. She records the shows on the television in the bedroom and we watch them when I come to bed at night. The only problem is that by the time I come to bed I’m close to wanting to go to sleep. I, therefore, tend to fall asleep on the programs. She dutifully stops the tape at the point I go to sleep and we pick it up at that point the next day. Last night we were watching a murder mystery. A “psychic” had been killed. He took money from folks who wanted to hear from their deceased relatives. He passed messages and made them feel better about their loss. The police investigating the crime all thought this was terrible, to take advantage of the unsophisticated. None of them believed in the afterlife and thought those who did were a bit weak in the head. There is a real crisis of faith in Europe, including Britain, these days. They view it as “sophistication” and believe their American cousins, at least those who still have some faith, as back woods hicks. The loss of faith is a terrible thing. It begins with a failure […]
Father’s Day 2013 Supplement
I was poor growing up. I mean I was the poorest kid I knew. We had enough to eat and wear but our poverty showed up in other ways. Television. We were the last kids I knew growing up to have a television. I remember going home after school and going to a neighbor’s house and watching TV on their porch. We would go home with screen mesh traces on our noses. What kind of neighbor makes the kids next door watch TV from the porch and not invite them in? The Projects. When our poverty was at worse we lived in the housing projects. The bad thing was it was one of the nicer houses we lived in. It was also within sight of the high school I attended at the time. Super. A Car. We didn’t have a car until I was well into high school. What made all of this worse was that my mother taught at the local Catholic school. So I got to attend there for free where all the rich kids went to school. Kids that had everything we didn’t and more. You can imagine what kind of social superstar I was, no […]
Father’s Day 2013
To all those fathers who do their best to be all they can be to their children, “Thank you.” Know that I pray for you. You live in a society that doesn’t appreciate your effort or understand the value of your calling. You are the butt of jokes and the easy one to blame. You are making a difference. Don’t give up. To all those who try to fill the shoes of fathers who are absent, “Thank You.” You too perform a vital function. Your efforts are often not recognized, sometimes spurned, sometimes misunderstood. Your calling is as real and important as that of the natural fathers who are absent. Carry on. You are desperately needed. To all those whose father is absent, physically, spiritually, or emotionally. “Be blessed.” Know that you are prayed for by many and loved by the Lord and Father of all. Be willing to turn to Him. He can fill every missing spot. Be especially blessed this day when you feel you have no one to thank or to honor. To my own special father, now gone too many years. I am so sorry I never recognized the great job you did while you […]
Football season is less than ninety days away. The sports stations are already abuzz with talk of the coming season. I am, of course, a Saints fan. This season I will also be a New England Patriots fan. I will follow the Patriots for the same reason I followed the Jets last year and the Broncos the year before: Tim Tebow. I love Tebow because he is a former Florida Gator, but even more because he is an outspoken Christian. Sadly he will be a third string quarterback so I don’t guess I’ll have much opportunity to cheer. We don’t have a lot of Christian heros to cheer on. It’s not that Christians aren’t doing heroic things. Christians in China and Africa are dying and landing in jail for their faith. They just aren’t prominent in the news. I personally know several Christians who have been very heroic this year, but again their exploits aren’t commonly known. It seems those whom we consider heros often have a dark side or very negative personal traits. Watch a few hours of television, fiction programming or the sports or the news. We don’t see a lot of folks to admire, to cheer […]