Ordinary Days

Most days are ordinary, one foot in front of the other, nothing really special. They pile up mostly forgotten into a heap we call our lives. 
Yesterday I sat for a few hours with a special friend. He is recovering from knee replacement surgery. I have had the same surgery and he sat for hours with me and my wife as I recovered. Recovery from knee surgery is no picnic, but he will do just fine. 
He has become a remarkably close friend in a relatively short period of time. We sat and talked about family and friends, folks we both love, the church we greatly love. The conversation was pretty strange because he would share a few sentences then the medication would win out and his eyes would close for a while. In those quiet times I would think about the hours he spent sitting like I was at someone’s bedside, just to be there. I would think of the hours of sermon preparation and counseling. Hours that were given joyfully, whether appreciated or not. 
Friends would drop in and share a gift and a few encouraging words and then head off. Most of the friends are also pastors and people who also love Jesus. 
Jesus binds us together in many ways, by sharing people we love, and ministries we serve and by spending quiet moments just sitting and enjoying and remembering.
Most days are ordinary, one foot in front of the other, nothing really special. Yesterday was not like that, not like that at all.
Be blessed.

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