New Spirituality

There are some steps required in coming to Jesus. There must be recognition and sorrow for our sinful state and an understanding that our state deserves nothing but punishment. There must be an acknowledgement that alone we are unable to justify this sinful state. That’s pretty much basic orthodox Christianity.

What has been pretty simple and straightforward for most of human history has become complicated in this age of New Spirituality. In a society that doesn’t recognize absolute truth and puts the individual at the center, it is nearly impossible to come to a position of repentance. Without repentance, there is no salvation.

Consider this definition of sin: “Sin is Being Out of Alignment With My Values.” Sorry wrong answer. God sets the standard,  not each of us individually. What societal chaos would result, in fact, has already resulted, from a general acceptance of that definition of sin.

What of heaven/hell and award/punishment? Try this:  “If I’m true to myself and my faith then that is its own reward; when I’m not true to it, it’s its own punishment.” So, in short, I set the standard. If I don’t live up to it, I feel real bad. If I do, I feel pretty good about myself.

What an incredible theology.  Is it any wonder that we are viewed as a “me” generation? Is it any surprise that baby killing is okay? How can we even discuss sexual perversion, for example, as a sin, if each individual sets his own standard. In fact, how can we call murder, or sex with children, or rape, or theft, as wrongs, if we each gets to decide what’s right.

But you say. You have set up a straw horse. Whose theology are you quoting? Does any thinking person really accept these premises? 

Sadly the quotes above come from an interview with the President of the United States when he was running for the Senate in 2004. The entire interview can be found here. This is not a political blog. I don’t cite this interview as evidence in favor or against the President as a politician. I point it out as a prevalent theological view. 

If we are to be salt and light in this world, we must understand what the world believes. This is just more evidence that we are unlikely to talk folks into Jesus. We can only say, as I said yesterday, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” And let the Lamb do the work.

It’s daunting how much work needs to be done.

Be blessed.


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