Yesterday we consider that more of Jesus’ dirt in our hands, more service, is yet another way of getting more Jesus in our lives. What if we serve, but see no fruit? That’s a vine problem. It won’t help to try harder, pray harder or extend our service borders. Fruit is the product of a healthy vine. Spiritual fruit is produced by a good connection, read that as relationship, with Jesus.
Fruit is produced by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches. A vine produces well if it is consistently expertly pruned, buried in good soil, with proper sun and water. We need to be willing for God to prune those things from our lives that sap energy from our fruit-producing function, that could be anything but our relationship with Jesus. God is the great vine tender. He knows what needs to be pruned. Be careful about trusting your own judgment or those of others on this point. Listen for His word and yield to His pruning touch.
As the branch spends more time grafted into the vine, the branch begins to look more like the vine and produce richer and sweeter fruit. If we consistently pray for opportunity and the work of the Spirit in our service, He will produce fruit from our service.
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