18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.B)’> baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,D)’> them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with youF)’>
Sometimes my wife is very smart. She commented recently that she didn’t know why people thought they had to go to Africa to be missionaries, we need missionaries right here. She’s right. We need missionaries in Africa, but we also need them in America.
If we are to get about Kingdom Business, we need a change in perspective. I think it would be helpful if we would consider ourselves missionaries in a foreign land. A missionary in a foreign land isn’t there to change that land into his home land. He isn’t there to bring a new language or technology. He’s not trying to overthrow a government or change laws. Although he may do some of those things. His goal is to make disciples and that’s how his success is measured.
Our goal is to make disciples. A disciple is a dedicated follower of Jesus. If that’s our goal, then there are lots of things which are NOT our goal.
It’s not our goal to:
1. Make American 2012 into America 1954.
2. Change more minds.
3. Get more people to join our political party.
4. Change more laws.
5. Get more people to call themselves “Christians.”
6. Get more people to attend our church.
7. Get more people to say a prayer.
8. Get more people to “accept” Jesus.
9. Get more people to “be good.”
10. Make America a Christian Nation.
Are you shocked? Do you believe that one or more or maybe all of the above should be our goals?
Jesus’ instructions to us are pretty clear, “go and make disciples.” We have gotten way to caught up in labels. The right question to ask is not “Are you a Christian?” That question has lost its meaning. There are many who call themselves “Christian” who are not followers of Christ. In fact, I’m not sure we should be asking questions at all. Does question asking make disciples?
It seems to me we make disciples by being a disciple. We get others to follow by following. If we do that we won’t have to yell louder to get people to listen to us. Our changed lives will make them curious. Our walk will speak volumes. Only then will our story of how He changed everything will have any meaning to anyone else.
Lots of followers of Christ have had good intentions. It might be nice if we lived in the 1950s, or if politics were different, or our laws were better or if people were nicer. But we need to be realistic about the world of 2012. This is not our home, but that doesn’t change His plan. It makes it all the more crucial. We need to stop trying to be smarter than Jesus. We need to go back to doing what He told us. He had it right to start with. In 2000 years we haven’t come up with a better plan.
Be a disciple. Help your spouse be a disciple. Lead your family. THEN He will make clear your role as missionary in a foreign land, the foreign land in which you were born and for which you have such love.
Be blessed.
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