Little Things

I feel terrible today. I failed my wife last night. I awoke in the middle of the night. It was clear my wife had not slept and was suffering from back spasms. After fifty years, I knew I had the ability to help. We have learned that less than a half-hour back massage in such situations will relieve the spasms and relax her enough to allow her to drift into elusive sleep. Last night, however, I was tired and sleepy. I turned over thinking briefly that her situation would resolve itself. When I awoke after sunrise, it was clear it hadn’t. She was still awake and still suffering. After less than a half hour of massage, she was pain-free and asleep, as she should have been hours before.

As Christians, most of us talk and dream of doing big things for Jesus. Most of us never do. Usually, it’s because we never master doing the little things.  Giving grandkids rides when mom isn’t available; middle of the night back rubs, babysitting so young couples can get a much-needed date night, visiting those in prison; all seem little. 

I can’t help but think when it is all done and we meet Jesus face-to-face, He may smile at us and say, to our surprise, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” We may think, “How? I never did anything big for Jesus. I never took the gospel to Muslim lands, healed the sick or raised the dead. I only did little things.” Jesus may smile, reading our thoughts and say, “Silly child, those were the big things.” I sure hope so. 

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