“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” –Matthew 6:33
There are many issues upon which the presidential candidates differ. If we had to point to one principal difference it would have to be the role of government. The current president believes that Americans should look to the government for most everything. The challenger calls that a “Nanny State.”
As Christians, we have to understand that many look to the government for much because the church has failed to meet the needs of people. I was the oldest of nine children growing up in the 50s. We were poor. I remember many instances of individuals “helping out” when the pantry was low or coming up with a few dollars when the light bill needed to be paid. In similar situations today, we would expect a check from the government.
At the heart of this problem is our failure to believe Jesus when He taught that the real solution to our problems is to seek His kingdom and His righteousness first. When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper places.
With a proper focus on the kingdom of God, we will live in a nation that can care for those who are hurting and still have an abundance. This will happen not because the government has mandated (that has never worked) but because we are seeking first that which is eternal and are then content to allow the Lord to provide everything else that we need.
- Commit yourself in prayer to seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness.
- Pray for that spirit of seeking God to pervade the church in America.
- Pray for a right focus in America–back to the Lord and away from material things.
Seek first His kingdom and be blessed and be prepared to bless others.
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