As the end times draw near, it will be tougher to be an effective Christian. We can’t stand alone. There will few enough of us as it is. Those of us determined to finish the race must be united, in our churches, in our communities and in our world.
Unity requires Common Purpose, Communication, Competence, Consistency and Jesus.
Common Purpose
All who call themselves Christians are not on the same page. We can’t even agree who are Christians. For this discussion, let us say that unity requires coming together of all Christ’s disciples, who believe our commission is to make more disciples for Christ. That should be simple enough.
We must commit to talking to each other and not about each other. Communication is not just the job of leaders. We must all communicate at every level and between levels. Communication requires honest vulnerability. We have to admit that we are not perfect. That we really don’t like each other that much. But that doesn’t mean we can’t love each other. If we talked a little more with honesty and vulnerability we might find that we’re not as awful as we think.
Some of us are awful at our jobs. We need to quit or be replaced. No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more letting someone do the job because they are willing and nice. We need those called to the work to do the work. We are all called. We all need to be doing something. We just need to be doing the right something.
We need to walk our talk. We don’t need to be what the world expects. We need to be what He expects.We need to recognize that we have differences but not all differences are eternally significant.
We all need Jesus. We need to recognize that we need Him. Act like we need him. Admit that we need Him. And put Him first. Everything else will work out. I listed Him last; but we all know He needs to be First.
Get together and
Be blessed.
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