Everyone I know is excited to see 2020 come to an end. That’s surely understandable. 2020 truly sucked. A New Year brings hope and hope is a good thing.
However, it would be wise to remember that it’s just a New Year, a man-made method of recording dates. It’s not a miracle. Much will be unchanged at midnight on the 31st.
COVID-19 will still be here. Vaccines are great. It’s good that more folks are following guidelines to limit the spread of the virus. However, it’s still around. There will not be a magic date when everything will go back to normal. Hopefully, the danger will gradually reduce and we will, gradually, have an opportunity to go back to normal, but will we?
Thirty Days to Become a Habit. I recall reading somewhere that if we start doing something new or stop doing something old, that it will become a habit after thirty days. We have been dealing with this pandemic for nearly a year. We have not all adopted the same new habits, but most of us have.
For example,
Do you still shake hands? Will you go back to that.
Do you wear a mask when outside your home? What will it take for you to feel “safe” enough not to do that?
Do you now work from home? Do you like it? Will you be happy with going back to the office or are you hoping to keep working from home?
Have you changed your dining habits? Will you go back to your old haunts? Is having food delivered going to be a part of your life from here on?
The Nation is Still Divided. America is divided. Just about right down the middle. That isn’t going to change because the year is new.
The Government is Still Stupid. The Feds think giving just about everyone $600 or $1000 of their own money is a good idea no matter how they have been impacted by the pandemic. They think foreign countries are more deserving than Americans. Many think cops are bad (they should be defunded) and lawbreakers are good (they should not have to pay bail to get out of jail). They think it’s safe to shop at Walmart but not go to church. I could go on, but it’s too depressing.
Enjoy you New Year’s celebration. Party wisely. Eat cabbage and black eyes. Watch football.
Just don’t expect changes. Time does not cure everything. Changing the calendar change doesn’t make things different.
Real change is only possible through Jesus and sadly, too many of us have gotten out of the habit of believing that.
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