Our Pastor had a great sermon on Sunday, “Synced with God.” I have never been above stealing good stuff for my blog so I do so again today. At least I admit my thievery. I figure that until Pastor Jason starts blogging his stuff is fair game.
Most Christians operate in “airplane mode.” In that mobile phone mode, there is no outside communication. Everything that is already on the phone is available but nothing new comes in. But God wants to communicate with us daily. He has fresh words for us. He wants to speak life into our hearts. We want to be on the same page with God, don’t we?
If that were all the sermon was about, it would been great. But Pastor went on to suggest how we can be synced with God.
1. We need to be spirit filled – baptized in the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that if we simply ask for the Spirit it will be given. Don’t make it more complicated than that; but don’t skip this step. Spirit communicates with spirit. We can’t be synced without the Spirit.
2. Lean into the truth. In the midst of the political season it seems very relevant to talk about the truth. There seems to be a distinct lack of it around. But I particularly like the phrase “lean into.” It’s not enough to acknowledge what is true. We need to press into it. It takes a positive assertion on our part, a daily battle, to make the truth part of us.
3. Obey the truth. Just knowing the truth just makes us a theologian. Liking the truth, makes us a fan. Obeying the truth makes us a follower. (Okay so I’m stealing from more than just Pastor Jason. So sue me.)
When I turned on my IPhone this morning, I was advised that the phone hadn’t been synced to the cloud for several weeks. That seemed like a timely word; so I read on. It seems in order to be synced my phone has to be:
1. Connected to a power source.
2. Locked.
3. Have wifi available.
Now that will preach; if it hasn’t been already. Maybe it’s just another way of saying what Pastor Jason said yesterday. If we want to be synced we need to be connected to our source (Jesus), locked on that source with the world locked out, and have wifi (the spirit) available.
Pastor says he only has an old iphone. Those old models don’t sync to the cloud. But it sounds like he’s already synced with God. Maybe someone should get him an IPhone 5 for Christmas. Just to make sure.
Tomorrow I’ll share something original. I promise, unless I stumble onto something new worth stealing.
Be blessed.
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