Everyone knows that Karl Marx said that religion is the opiate of the people. But very few go on to finish what he said next; that it is the sigh of the oppressed and the illusory sun that revolves around man as long as man doesn’t revolve around himself. The New Spirituality has solved that dilemma. We have found a religion that has helped us to revolve around ourselves, and once we have believed that the spiritual imagination needs no boundaries because we are gods, everything becomes plausible and nothing needs justification.
Ravi Zacharias
I spent the last 24 hours in New Orleans. The trip included seeing the still-remaining reminders of the power of Hurricane Katrina and a trip to the Aquarium. Both served as much needed reminders of the wonder and power of our God. God didn’t have to created such a wonderful, diverse and beautiful creation as was on display in tank after tank at the Aquarium. We had taken Nicky our grandson as a reward for having to make a 24 hour trip us most of which was spent in the car. But the adults were as impressed by the displays as he was.
It’s so easy in these days of technology, to think that man is pretty cool. In fact, he is. we have made wonderful advancements in technology, but the pride that come with thinking we are responsible for that has led to horrible distortions of our spirituality. We benefit more and more from the gifts given by our God and, rather than being drawn to Him as the source, we turn away and foolishly credit ourselves.
Decades of experimentation have proven much of what Karl Marx had to say as seriously flawed. Scripture teaches that pride is the root sin. Man has become so proud that he is blind to his need and dependence on God. Years after the event, man has been unable to remove the reminders of just a hiccup of God’s power (and wrath?) that was Hurricane Katrina. It seems that much of God’s message in that event has been forgotten. The bulk of the death and damage didn’t come from “nature” but from human mistakes, incompetence and greed that constructed a faulty flood prevention system. It’s a simple system when we take credit for anything good and blame others for any failures.
When we consider all the forms of spirituality gaining popularity, more and more we see humanity not just abandoning the true spirituality of Christianity, but giving up on a god altogether. The New Spirituality “teaches” that you are God, you just don’t know it. We are just beginning to see the impact of a world in which more and more people believe they have the power to define morality and make their own rules. What we are seeing is the beginning of the end, as described in scripture.
In a sense, Karl Marx was correct. Religion is an opiate, dulling the hurts and cares of life. But relationship with Jesus is life. Life as it was meant to be. Marx didn’t get that and, more and more, other people don’t either.
Be blessed.
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