
I spent much time last week considering the end times: the anti-Christ, sign of the beast, and the tribulation. That’s probably behind the strange dream I had last night. For some reason, I was trying to get “off-the-grid.” Gain a new identity. Real super spy stuff. Like most dreams, the “why” was not clear but the “how” was certainly disturbing.

It really isn’t very easy to do. Even without implanted circuits in our hands or numbers tattooed to our foreheads. Consider how much we are tied into the world system. Try living for just a day without your SSN, debit card number, or email address. Cut off from these we may already be unable to “buy or sell.” Consider how much who we are is tied into numbers we don’t directly control, like our credit score or our blood sugar or pressure numbers.

Is that really who we are? Is our substance convertible to digits and stored in a micro-sized file?

I “know” the right answer. That’s not me. I am a blood bought child of the king. But just saying it doesn’t ring completely true. It doesn’t seem to be the focus of my life. I do seem to spend much time making sure all the “numbers” that add up to me are as good as they can be.

I tend to feel superior to all the survivalists. Those who are storing water and batteries and freeze dried food. The exercise seems so useless. Can we ever put aside enough water and supplies? Who are we storing for? Our household? What of our out of town family? Our friends? Are we ready to hold off people we love at gunpoint to keep them from our stuff?

I agree that something earthshaking is on the horizon and that preparation is needed. But I can’t help but think we need to spend more time learning who we really are and defining what is really important. I want to make sure I’m on the first train out (the rapture) and that those I love are on the train with me.

I was blessed this week to receive a multitude of greetings for my birthday. None of them focused on my credit score or the gallons of water I have in storage. Perhaps the one that blessed me the most just wished “the greatest grandpaw on earth” a happy birthday. A gross exaggeration no doubt, but the kind of identity tag that really counts. If I check out early, before the impending catastrophe, I want to be remembered like that, and not for numbers that seem so important today.

Let’s get grip on who we are and

Be blessed by blessing those around us, today.



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