The self-assessment we discussed yesterday takes the Christian down a different path. For me, Philippians 4:13 says it all. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
If we consider this verse carefully, the New Year’s Resolution process can be life changing.
1. The corollary to “I can do all things through Christ” is that “I can do nothing on my own.” It took me a long time to realize this truth and, even now, it keeps slipping away. Things will start going well and suddenly I believe I’m the reason and I try to grab the steering wheel from Jesus, with tragic results. Face it. You can do nothing. Stop trying. It might be easier to take if we consider it this way. I can do no GOOD thing on my own. After all, do you really want to do things that aren’t good?
2. The secret is to do things through Christ. We sometimes look at Philippians 4:13 as a super vitamin pill. When times get rough and my agenda isn’t working out, I just take a Jesus pill and get strength to do what I want. It just doesn’t work that way. The only way we can do all things is THROUGH CHRIST. Maybe better put: “in Christ.” For me that means, turning control over to Him. We give up our agenda. (Face it. It ain’t working anyway.” And take up His. We move from God as our co-pilot to God as our Pilot.
3. He strengthens me. This concept is not like the federal government. We don’t just take up a comfortable position on our couch, confident that Uncle Jesus will do it. No, we actually do things, strengthen by Christ, we do the things he would have us to do. We move from “God help me do this.” to “God what should I do?” and then strengthened by Him we do it.
So as you’re doing your end of the year assessment and you notice how messed up you are (I am assuming you’re like me.) Recognize there is much to do… too much.. you can’t do it. Admit that to yourself and acknowledge it to Him. Then just say. What would You have me do? He’ll tell you and He’ll do it through you. And you will…
Be blessed.
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