Heros in the Storm – Devotional for Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Yesterday, we talked about God sending storms so that we will have an opportunity to exercise our faith and allow God to act in power. Sometimes, storms require further action from us. Paul was caught in a bad storm in Acts 27. He was a prisoner at the time and being transported to Rome. It was a bad trip from the beginning. At first there were no favorable winds. Paul heard from God and advised those in charge to stay in port, but they ignored him and wound up in a storm of hurricane (if not biblical) proportions. The crew tied ropes around the ship to try to hold it together. They threw items overboard to try to lighten the load. The storm lasted for days and in the narration we learn that Paul encouraged his guards and assured them, though they would suffer a ship wreck, eventually they would be safe.

One of the frequent effects of a storm is selfishness. When in danger, our own survival takes priority. We need to remember that if we are in a storm, it is likely that others are being affected. Fear is running through everyone involved and our faith is needed to strengthen those without faith. If we encourage and show our trust in God, we provide an opportunity for others to experience a faith lesson. Storms are not the times to draw inward, but call for action on our part to insure that as many as possible are blessed by the lesson God is trying to teach.
If you’re in a storm, consider that perhaps God is not only calling you to personal faith, but to be a faith “hero” in the lives of others. These are trying times. Our country is being tested. The end can’t be far away. Plenty of Christians are sounding the alarm, but our world needs faithful people who don’t panic; but who have a message of assurance that God is in control This is all part of his plan. It’s not time to run from Him but to run to Him. For many it may be the very last chance. The point of the end times storm, is not that it’s the end, but that it’s the end of opportunity.

Step up and be blessed.


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