Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left. Isaiah 30: 21
A few years ago I was headed home from work when I thought I heard God telling me to take a route home that I never take. I followed the instruction. Along the route I came across a lady having car trouble. I was able to get assistance and during the conversation learned she was a Christian who had been asking the Lord to send some help.
I’m not one of those who claims to hear God frequently. In fact, I am having to go back several years to come up with an example of me following the voice of God. My point is that God does speak to us. It’s question of learning to hear his voice.
How often have you had a “feeling” that you should do something and later discover that you missed an opportunity by failing to listen? It happens to me frequently. I don’t think that God speaks more often to other people. I believe that other folks do a better job of listening. They learn to recognize His voice. When you respond to a voice and it turns out to be a positive thing, you will more easily recognize that voice in the future.
I don’t believe this voice gives you lottery numbers or suggests that you do something contrary to scripture. That’s a completely different voice. The voice of God is usually a gentle nudge to do something you should be doing anyway.
“You have the words that give eternal life” (John 6: 68). Speak to me for the comfort of my soul, for the transformation of my whole life, and for the praise, glory, and eternal honor of your name.
Watkins, James (2016-01-12). The Imitation of Christ: Classic Devotions in Today’s Language (Kindle Locations 597-598). Worthy Publishing. Kindle Edition.
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