I came upon this photo while browsing on Facebook. It expresses great theology. Summarized it means in every circumstance, there’s God. The joyful and fulfilled person is God centered. The rest of us are self-centered.
It seems we are constantly turning our focus away from Him. In happy times, we feel we are responsible for our joy. In difficult times, we blame God instead of seeking Him. Every thing comes to us filtered through the love of God.
When we are self-centered, life is a series of problems, crises, pains and troubles. When we are God Centered, life becomes an exciting adventure of opportunity, joy and miracles. I am not saying that the Christian walk is easy or problem free. Believe me I’m not saying that. What I am saying that the impact of our circumstances is determined by our focus and attitude.
My friend Joey Langlinais put it this way:
In Deuteronomy 32:11, we read that an eagle will stir up her nest, flutters over her young, spreads her wings and takes the young eagles upon her wings. When the momma eagle takes the young on her wing, she soars to great heights with them. Then she lurches causing the youngster to fall off and plun
ge to the earth. But the momma swoops down to catch it again. This process continues until the young eagle learns to fly. When it learns to fly, it can weather just about any storm that comes it’s way! That’s just what God does for the child of God! Through Him, we soar to great heights. But He will send us testings that are meant to strengthen us, so that through our faith in Him and Him alone, we can weather the storms of life! These testings that we encounter in life are not meant to drive us away from God, nor are they meant to punish us in some way. They are meant for us to totally lean on God, depend on Him to see us through (catch us when we are falling).
In everything, center on God and be blessed.
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