Romans 8:38-39
New International Version (NIV)
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,A)’>nor any powers,C)’> that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Does it sometimes seem God is mad at you? I hope you said, “yes.” There is some comfort in knowing that I am not the only one. I certainly sometimes feel that God must be mad at me. I feel that way now. I know it’s not very spiritual. I know it’s not theologically correct.
The problem is that feelings are not directly connected to knowledge. It doesn’t do any good for someone to tell you that it’s not so. That doesn’t change how you feel. I guess part of the problem is that if I was God, I might be mad at me. It doesn’t do any good to know that I am not God and God is much more loving than I am.
I can tell you that God isn’t mad at you. If you don’t feel that, I totally understand.
Be blessed.
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