Last night was “Fear the Beard” night at the Cajundome. A fun promotion based on freshman J. J. Thomas’ bearded countenance. A look which has been adopted by other players. The stands were filled with the bearded, real and fake.
After having started the season by losing to practically everyone, the UL basketball team last night won their ninth game in a row now challenging for first place in the division. Just a month ago the fans were trying to find satisfaction in a “wait ’til next year” attitude. This morning visions of championship are dancing in their heads. Life is like that. Are you on a streak now? A winning streak or a losing streak? Sometimes it seems in life we can’t do anything right and at other times it seems we can’t do anything wrong. We can either be very up on ourselves or very down. Those streaks can turn around over night. Watching our won/loss record can cause anxiety and uncertainty.
The key to a satisfied life is not to look at our won/loss record. How we seem to be doing in life is not the key. Rather, how are we doing in matters of eternal significance? How’s our relationship with our God?
Do folks look at us and see Jesus? Or do they look at us and ask “So he’s a Christian?”
Do we wake up each morning determined to do His will and go to bed each night confident that if we meet Him in our sleep He will greet us saying “Well done. Good and faithful servant.”
It doesn’t matter how the world keeps score. What does He have to say?
Don’t worry too much about the beard. Fear the Lord and
Be blessed.
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