Eternal Christmas

Usually about this time of the year I post an encouragement to Keep Christ in Christmas or something about avoiding Christmas stress. Not going to do that this year. In the past I was usually talking mostly to myself and without much success. It seems a losing battle. In fact, this year I’m suggesting we accept the commercialism and take joy in the stress. These things arise from futile attempts to create something artificially, that is only truly possible for those who are in Christ.

Consider this. The great thing about Christmas is that it celebrates the Incarnation, the fact that Jesus came to earth, Emmanuel, Christ with us. Christmas is a remembrance of that miracle. But now Jesus isn’t physically here. He’s present spiritually with those who, by faith, are in Him. How can we expect a world that doesn’t know Christ to “keep Him” in Christmas? We have to have understanding and pity for those who struggle to create through material means something that is profoundly spiritual. We are unable, on our own, to generate the love and good will that Christmas promises. That is genuine only in a relationship with Jesus. In our keeping of Christmas, in the agape love we show each other, we can only demonstrate the blessing that is knowing Him.

The Christmas experience is a very personal thing. We each have our Christmas memories, our beliefs, our relationship or lack or relationship with God. These things work together to make Christmas for us. The Lord’s brief physical presence on this earth and all that he did gave us a deposit of hope, a longing for that  time when He returns and, at last, we have Heaven on earth. Until then each Christmas will be a reminder, a glimpse into the wonder He has in store for us when He returns, not as a baby and a sacrifice, but as Lord and King. Then will God be with us for ever in a form we can see and touch and love: Eternal Christmas. What a glorious day that will be.

Until then, keep Christmas as your circumstances and relationship with Him permits and pray for those who must be satisfied with less.

Be blessed.


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