O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6: 8
I was doing pretty good in writing from a new section of Imitation of Christ but fell out of the habit. I repent and will try to do better. In fact, I will try to DO RIGHT.
Are you old enough to remember Dudley Do Right? He was a Canadian Mountie cartoon character when I was a kid. He was such a straight shooter that it was almost sickening. I guess Hollywood was trying to negatively impact the lives of the young even then, by holding do-gooders up to scorn.
We tend to look down on folks who “do right.” I guess because we consider such folks to hold themselves better than others and prideful in their good deeds. Micah has it right. He encourages us to do what is right but also to love mercy and to walk humbly. Perhaps the toughest thing about being a do-gooder is not lording it over others.
The trick is to realize that any good we do, we don’t do on our own. It flows from a humble walk with God, always giving Him all the credit. If we can keep that in mind it’s easier to be merciful to others who have not been as blessed.
We don’t need to don a Mountie uniform or have a chiseled chin to “do right.” We just need to walk humbly with Our God.
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