. . . and I will give you rest —Matthew 11:28
We are in constant struggle between self-awareness and Christ-Awareness. When we move too far in the self awareness direction, we begin to “Me. Me. Me. It’s all about Me.” We need to more than intellectualize that it’s all about Jesus. Whenever anything begins to disintegrate your life with Jesus Christ, acknowledge Him, turn to Him at once, asking Him to re-establish your rest.
If we look around and analyze our lives we will note certain things that push us to self and away from Christ. Never allow anything to remain in your life that is causing the unrest.
If we try to overcome our self-awareness through any of our own commonsense methods, we will only serve to strengthen our self-awareness tremendously. Jesus says, “Come to Me . . . and I will give you rest,” that is, Christ-awareness will take the place of self-awareness. Wherever Jesus comes He establishes rest.
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